
Resolving the Rohingya Crisis Requires Justice in Myanmar and Solidarity with Bangladesh

Mukesh Kapila • Jul 13 2023 • Articles

There are enough resources to go around and the world’s dispossessed should not be put into undignified competition with each other.

Unmasking Forcible Displacement of Childhood: A Multidimensional Analysis of Ukrainian Children

Claudia Marconi and Júlia Lira • Jul 12 2023 • Articles

An instrumentalized treatment of children’s bodies, minds, and emotions during war triggers a series of children’s rights violations.

Digital Decay and the Global Politics of Virtual Infrastructure

Natalie Jester • Jul 11 2023 • Articles

The inability to access information such as tweets may, perhaps, reflect an anti-democratisation of knowledge where previously the internet had opened it up to the masses.

The Technocratic Legacies of International Organisations

Jan Eijking • Jul 6 2023 • Articles

Studying technocratic internationalism puts the intellectual legacies of present-day international organisations into needed perspective—with exciting results.

Post-Putin Russia: Five Potential Pathways

Mark N. Katz • Jul 4 2023 • Articles

Putinism without Putin is the most likely post-status quo pathway for Russia, but this will be difficult to sustain.

Opinion – Academics Opening Their Hearts for Climate Actions

Louise Taylor and John Barry • Jul 3 2023 • Articles

It is high time for the academy and intellectuals to take decisive action to come together and collaborate on the climate crisis.

How are Textbooks in India Reproducing the Coloniality of Knowledge?

Annapurna Menon • Jun 28 2023 • Articles

In India, textbooks create a postcolonial citizen with limited control over their own history and the Hindu narrative is deemed acceptable, with alternatives being ‘othered’.

Retaining Ambiguity and Protecting Taiwan’s Democracy

Fang-long Shih • Jun 21 2023 • Articles

A diplomatic approach premised on political symbolism and strategic ambiguity, rather than dollar diplomacy, is the least worst path for Taiwan to follow.

Opinion – Rethinking ‘Imperialism’ from the Perspective of International Law and Practices

Nguyen Quoc Tan Trung • Jun 19 2023 • Articles

The argument that Russia and China are anti-imperialist forces, while the international rule of law hinders human emancipation, is far from reality.

Opinion – Estonia’s Kaja Kallas for NATO Secretary-General?

Alexander Brotman • Jun 19 2023 • Articles

Kallas is well positioned to lead the alliance into the next stage of what is likely to be a protracted struggle with its original adversary.

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