
Islamic Governance Theory in Moroccan Islamist Discourse

Juan A. Macias-Amoretti • Dec 15 2014 • Articles

The use of Islamic concepts as the ‘imamate’ and the ‘caliphate’ by main Moroccan Islamist actors in their discourse are linked to a concrete model of Islamic government.

Balancing on a Warship

Andreas Kuersten • Dec 15 2014 • Articles

In a precarious but skilful positioning in its Mistral contract with Russia, France will continue to stand firmly infirm between domestic and international duties.

A Proposed Theory of Knowledge: Neuro-Rational Physicalism

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Dec 13 2014 • Articles

Comprehending that the ways we acquire knowledge are culturally mediated would be a profound step in softening rigid categories of “otherness” in our globalized world.

Rama-Vucic: A Historic Visit?

Joseph Coelho • Dec 12 2014 • Articles

Doubts about the view that current tensions in Albania-Serbia relations are based on long-standing projects of greater nation-state expansion. Such narratives are myths.

Political Islam and Arab Civil Society

Timothy Poirson • Dec 12 2014 • Articles

Political Islam is a term that is often used amongst circles of academics and policymakers, but its complexity is seldom acknowledged or understood – especially post 2011.

East Ukraine’s Four Perspectives

Roland Benedikter • Dec 11 2014 • Articles

An autonomy solution for East Ukraine, based on the South Tyrol model, represents a practical, temporary compromise and avoids furthering threats of a frozen conflict.

The Impact of Roy Bhaskar and Critical Realism on International Relations

Jonathan Joseph • Dec 11 2014 • Articles

At a time when new approaches are either knowingly or unknowingly touching on critical realist themes, Bhaskar’s contributions are poorly represented in the literature.

Holiday Gifts for IR Professors

Dylan Kissane • Dec 8 2014 • Articles

Dan Drezner offered a gift guide for political scientists in the Washington Post last week. In the same spirit, here are some ideas for the IR professor in your life.

China Dreamin’

Michael Barr • Dec 8 2014 • Articles

The ‘China Dream’ and the confucian revival both appeal to a halcyon era but underlying them is a much deeper problem: what does it mean to be Chinese today?

“Lat Does Not Exist”: The Last Testament of a Dead Village

Lois Kapila • Dec 6 2014 • Articles

In India debates rage over how to handle the dilemma of development-induced displacement. Each year 15m people find themselves placed in the way of desired dams or mines.

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