
Winds of Change to Winds of War

Anil Sigdel • Nov 9 2014 • Articles

Just 25 years ago the world believed in the definitive victory of liberalism, freedom, democracy and peace. However, the post-Berlin Wall journey has not fulfilled that ideal.

Drones vs. Snowball Fights: The Contested Battlegrounds of Information Warfare

Lars Klein • Nov 9 2014 • Articles

In Syria and Iraq now, the US and its allies are faced with a situation in which they are neither in control of the battlefield, nor of the war’s narratives.

Four Waves of Lebanese Feminism

Rita Stephan • Nov 7 2014 • Articles

The women’s rights movement is connected to the Lebanese social space and reflects its shifts, while receiving and selecting theories, models and practices from the West.

Professor on the Run

Dylan Kissane • Nov 6 2014 • Articles

Some of the most important work that a professor can do to assure high quality of their work is to head outside and put one foot in front of the other on the road.

Does European Recognition of a Palestinian State Mean Anything?

Mira Sucharov • Nov 5 2014 • Articles

As long as Israel believes it has no partner in the Palestinians, acts of recognition may serve as a moral signal to the world, buttressing the identity of the signaller.

Global Climate Change Policy: Will Paris Succeed Where Copenhagen Failed?

Ian M. McGregor • Nov 5 2014 • Articles

Far more needs to be done on a war footing if governments are to avoid arriving in Paris without a fair, ambitious and binding agreement, ready to finalise and sign.

Does Disaster Diplomacy Improve Inter-State Relations?

Ilan Kelman • Nov 4 2014 • Articles

Disaster diplomacy is best viewed as a long-running process with multiple parties interacting, rather than as a snapshot phenomenon which either works or does not work.

Assisting Afghanistan: Will Aid Progress, Adapt, or Wither?

James Flint • Nov 4 2014 • Articles

The handover of the Camp Bastion-Leatherneck complex is symbolic of a new phase in assisting Afghanistan. Yet, events within the Middle East risk diverting attentions.

Order and Change in Global Politics: Assessing the “Return of Geopolitics”

Roberto Orsi • Nov 4 2014 • Articles

As problems renew themselves, partly in response to attempts at solving them, so the philosophical categories by which the world is read ought to be re-organised.

Modelling the United Nations in Bristol

Aditi Verma • Nov 2 2014 • Articles

Students from UWE Bristol, the University of Bristol, and Sciences Po simulated whether sovereignty should be conditional in the face of severe human rights violations.

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