
Shock and Awe: Performativity, Machismo and ISIS

Christiana Spens • Nov 2 2014 • Articles

The use of beheadings by ISIS can be interpreted as a way of performing Iraqi ideals of masculinity to undermine Western ideals of tough but polite masculinity.

LGBT Politics, Queer Theory, and International Relations

Markus Thiel • Oct 31 2014 • Articles

Stemming from various fields, queer theory-inspired research combines an inter-disciplinary epistemology to advance new critical perspectives on sexualities and beyond.

From Clash of Vision to Power Struggle: The US, China, and Freedom of Navigation

Trang Pham and Truong-Minh Vu • Oct 31 2014 • Articles

By forming the new “rule of game” relying on limited freedom of navigation of foreign vessels, China is attempting to build its own de facto “Monroe Doctrine” at sea.

Remembering the ‘Forgotten’ Kurds in Syria

Yasin Duman • Oct 31 2014 • Articles

Under Assad, Syrian communities were often segmented based ethnicity, religion and politics. Autonomy appears to be achieving reconciliation, in spite of the ongoing war.

Indian Prime Minister Modi’s Visit to the US: The Takeaways

Monish Tourangbam • Oct 30 2014 • Articles

The change of guard in India and its emphasis on economic revitalization has lent new life to a relationship that was criticized for a lack of bold initiatives.

Drowning Migrants Is Not the Answer

Phil Cole • Oct 29 2014 • Articles

Criminalization is not the answer to the movement of people across the Mediterranean. We have to recognize that it is this act of criminalization which is killing people, not the desire to migrate.

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement and Beijing’s Failure to Honor the Basic Law

Michael C. Davis • Oct 29 2014 • Articles

Trust in the local and Beijing governments has been damaged; a moderate approach would serve Beijing’s interests better than the confrontational approach taken so far.

Psychology Not Theology: Overcoming ISIS’ Secret Appeal

Arie W. Kruglanski • Oct 28 2014 • Articles

At the end of the day, ISIS’ unique blitzkrieg has been both psychological and military. Its cruelty, severity and domination project a “larger than life” sense of power.

The Future of Academic Publishing?

Dylan Kissane • Oct 28 2014 • Articles

Academics should consider eBooks as a viable publishing medium. They don’t have the quality control mechanisms that peer-reviewed journals enjoy, yet they do have an important place in the academic’s toolbox.

Strangers in the Archipelago: Hunting for ‘Something’ in Swedish Waters

Rachael Squire • Oct 28 2014 • Articles

The search for foreign activity in Swedish waters – the ‘Hunt for Reds in October’ – has been called off. Yet, there is much to be said about this geopolitical incident.

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