
China and the South China Sea Disputes

Truong-Minh Vu and Nguyen The Phuong • Sep 9 2014 • Articles

Since the tension over the disputes in the South China Sea has been escalating in recent years, establishing a Code of Conduct has become a pressing need.

What We Don’t Teach Students in IR – But Should

Dylan Kissane • Sep 8 2014 • Articles

The thing that separates the best students from struggling ones is not the commitment to studies nor the ability to understand concepts, but the level of academic skills.

Drones for Europe – Revisited

Andrea Gilli • Sep 4 2014 • Articles

If drones represent the future of warfare, by deciding to quit the race, Europe runs the risk of forcing itself into strategic and technological irrelevance.

The Afghanistan Elections: Continuing the Strategic Cooptation of Women’s Rights

Aaliyah Hussain • Sep 3 2014 • Articles

Afghan women have been used to uphold whatever narrative the United States seeks to circulate in order to further its objectives. The elections have been no different.

World Order, Human Rights, and the Security Council Veto

Aidan Hehir • Sep 2 2014 • Articles

The Security Council is an unedifying conflation of craven geopolitics. The veto power of the P5 is incompatible with the protection and promotion of human rights.

Robust Peacekeeping: A Desirable Development?

Lisa Hultman • Sep 2 2014 • Articles

The challenge is to find the right balance of deploying strong UN missions that effectively protect civilians whilst maintaining an impartial position in the conflict.

Putin in Latin America: A New Era of Cooperation?

Veronika Clegg and Peter Clegg • Sep 1 2014 • Articles

As Putin faces sizeable opposition from the West for its intervention in Ukraine, Russia is keen to deepen its ties with other parts of the world such as Latin America.

The Peloponnesian War and Killer Robots: Norms of Protection in Security Policy

Matthew Bolton and Cayman Mitchell • Aug 29 2014 • Articles

We need not be grateful for the ‘protection’ of killer robots; we may instead mimic Lysistrata and humanize the very structure of protection in the 21st century.

Contending Nakba-denial: The Role of Oral and Visual Testimonies

Una McGahern • Aug 28 2014 • Articles

The potential of oral testimonies lies in their ability to create spaces of human interaction in areas where recognition & engagement are not usually forthcoming.

The Future of the Organization of American States

W. Alejandro Sánchez and Kelly Morrison • Aug 28 2014 • Articles

Given the complexity of regional politics in Latin America, the success of the OAS depends on its ability to become relevant again.

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