
Breaking the Silence: Rwandan Women Survivors Give Testimony and Find a Voice

Caroline Williamson • Apr 27 2014 • Articles

In contemporary Rwanda, women are willing to speak out and actively shape public discourse on such issues as the government, ethnicity, the genocide, and sexual violence.

The Underestimated Effect of Democratic Sanctions

Christian von Soest and Michael Wahman • Apr 26 2014 • Articles

There have been unsuccessful democratic sanctions in the past and there will be more in the future. However, sanctions have also been successful in certain cases.

Politics in the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies

Peter Clegg • Apr 24 2014 • Articles

British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies are often neglected, but they have vital links with Britain and are important global actors in their own right.

The Power of IPE for Researching Energy and Natural Resources

Jesse Salah Ovadia • Apr 24 2014 • Articles

The ability of IPE scholars to understand energy through a lens that examines both the economic and political aspects of power offers great potential for analysis.

Crimea: A Problem of and for International Society

Benedict Docherty • Apr 23 2014 • Articles

The Crimean crisis is a problem for international society, because the crisis and the reaction to it demonstrates both the existence and the limits of that society.

A Critical Exploration of the Olympic Park, Part Two

Pip Thornton • Apr 22 2014 • Articles

A narrative of security which permeates the layers, exposes the ironies, questions the ubiquity and enriches the understanding of traditional representations of space.

The International Court of Justice and the Peru-Chile Maritime Case

Mitja Grbec & Marko Pavliha • Apr 21 2014 • Articles

The ICJ’s decision in the Peru-Chile Maritime Case represents another important stone in the mosaic of what is usually referred to as the Law of Maritime Delimitations.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Year of Living Dangerously

Malik Mufti • Apr 20 2014 • Articles

It has been a difficult year for democratic Islamists across the Middle East. The past year’s events constitute a test of the Brotherhood’s commitment to democracy.

Statebuilding Failure in South Sudan

Roberto Belloni • Apr 17 2014 • Articles

When South Sudan gained independence, it was easy to predict that the path towards the construction of a new state would have been full of obstacles.

What Is Self-Determination? Using History to Understand International Relations

Maja Spanu • Apr 17 2014 • Articles

Despite it being a core principle of the international order, actual politics of self-determination are extremely ambiguous.

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