
The Politics of US and EU Sanctions on Russia’s Energy Sector

Richard Sakwa • Aug 15 2014 • Articles

It is the selective nature of sanctions that make them a political weapon against countries that refuse to buckle down to western leadership.

A Transnational Public Sphere for a Digital Generation?

Brian D. Loader • Aug 15 2014 • Articles

The figure of the networked young citizen, politically engaged through a transnational public sphere, is compelling, but other models may come to be more significant.

Democracy as Theatre: The 2014 Presidential Elections in Afghanistan

Darren Atkinson • Aug 12 2014 • Articles

An elite political compact, based around external support for meaningless elections, is not the only solution to the problems ahead in Afghanistan.

Beware of Hillary Clinton

Stephen McGlinchey • Aug 10 2014 • Articles

Should Clinton become president, the international community should beware. Her brand of interventionist liberalism will be toxic for the Middle East and for the west.

Turkish Presidential Elections and the Kurdish Peace Process

Sibel Oktay • Aug 10 2014 • Articles

Recep Tayyip Erdogan will most likely be elected as the next president of Turkey. If not, expect to see progress on the Kurdish peace process from the AKP government.

What Would a Brexit Mean for the EU?

Tim Oliver • Aug 10 2014 • Articles

The amount of leverage the threat of Brexit has for the UK depends not so much on what the UK contributes to the EU but about how valued that contribution is by the EU.

Publicizing the US National Security State through Entertainment

David Grondin • Aug 6 2014 • Articles

In looking at the national security state entertainment complex, one can get to the core of the security and pop culture nexus in a more-than-representational way.

Inoculating against Politics

Laura Routley • Aug 5 2014 • Articles

Development agencies have started to engage more with the political nature of development. However the nature of politics is that what is ‘right’ is always contestable.

Tunisia’s Upcoming Elections amid Strategic Reshaping of Coalitions

Pietro Longo • Aug 5 2014 • Articles

To govern a country in transition that is facing several internal problems, stability is needed and could be reached by a deal between the two biggest parties.

Embodied Subjectivities in International Relations

Lauren Wilcox • Aug 5 2014 • Articles

Theories of war and violence in IR depend on assumptions about the relationship between bodies, subjectivity, and violence that are often more implicit than explicit.

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