
Conflict in Gaza: Balancing History and the Responsibility to Protect

Cecilia Jacob • Jul 26 2014 • Articles

If there is anything that the current humanitarian tragedy in Gaza teaches us about R2P, it is that history challenges the fulfillment of the international R2P agenda.

Massive Open Online Classes and International Learning

Michael S. Roth • Jul 26 2014 • Articles

Online classes that reach an international audience are an effective tool for increasing awareness, stimulating research, and creating widely dispersed learning networks.

The Meaning of a British Exit from the European Union

John McCormick • Jul 25 2014 • Articles

Britain may have a reputation as a reluctant member of the EU, but its absence would be deeply felt. The merits of a referendum on a ‘Brexit’ need to be questioned.

Israel’s Serial Gaza Offensives Are Offensive

Ramesh Thakur • Jul 24 2014 • Articles

Does the R2P apply in Gaza? This is a silly question – of course it does. R2P is a universal principle, not a light switch to be turned on and off at whim or convenience.

Genuine Thinking and Public Outreach

Sergiu Gherghina • Jul 24 2014 • Articles

Writing blog posts helps students to develop scientific-based arguments in plain English for ordinary readers and exercise various skills acquired during studies.

Can the EU Afford to Lose the UK?

Jan Zielonka • Jul 23 2014 • Articles

With a ‘Brexit’ on the agenda, and the EU’s vision questioned, it should be kept in mind that integration is chiefly about managing divergence and difference.

The Ethics of Killer Robots

Ryan Jenkins • Jul 23 2014 • Articles

As the line between peace and war further blurs, autonomous weapons offer clear advantages while simultaneously raising powerful, but somewhat nebulous, moral concerns.

The Responsibility to Protect and the 2014 Conflict in Gaza

Alex J. Bellamy • Jul 22 2014 • Articles

More civilians will die without concerted efforts to break the cycles of impunity and escalation that have been allowed to establish themselves in Israel and Palestine.

The Future of Slavery in Australia

Jonathan Hirt • Jul 22 2014 • Articles

Slavery and trafficking will not be defeated unless those fighting it can simultaneously prevent its growth, whilst strategically responding to its current expressions.

Cold War II: Can Economic Sanctions and Diplomacy Avert a Repetition of History?

Natalia Sharova • Jul 21 2014 • Articles

Pushing Russia into isolation will raise insecurities in Eastern Europe and will possibly resurrect the Cold War. Therefore the crisis must be resolved via negotiation.

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