
Missing in Inaction: Where is the African Peace and Security Architecture?

David Chuter • Mar 19 2014 • Articles

The African Peace and Security Architecture is incapable of resolving crises as it is based on assumptions which are not only false in Africa, but false everywhere.

The Return of the Problem-Solvers

Robert W. Murray • Mar 19 2014 • Articles

When it comes to educating the next generation of policy-makers, there is a problem facing the academy and the crises in Ukraine and Syria demonstrate that.

Referendum at Gun Point and the Crisis in Ukraine: Beyond the Propaganda

Veronika Clegg • Mar 18 2014 • Articles

The situation affecting Ukraine is the worst geopolitical crisis Europe has witnessed since the end of the Cold War. It represents a serious threat to European security

Ukraine or Malorossia?

Nienke de Deugd • Mar 18 2014 • Articles

What will it take for Vladimir Putin to come to terms with the fact that Ukraine is an independent country and not Malorossia, or ‘little Russia’?

IR Films

Dylan Kissane • Mar 18 2014 • Articles

While there is the obvious trade off with regards to class time, showing films to students can help them to understand key themes and issues within IR.

The Maritime Dispute Between Peru and Chile

Don Anton • Mar 18 2014 • Articles

On 27 January 2014, the ICJ delivered its judgment in the Peru v. Chile case in which it considered the existence, nature and extent of the disputed maritime boundary.

Nelson Mandela’s Legacy for African and International Politics

Daniel Lieberfeld • Mar 14 2014 • Articles

Mandela was exemplary in using his moral stature, his forthright manner, and skills in interpersonal persuasion to help settle conflicts outside his own country.

What the Crimean Crisis Reveals About the Tensions in American Foreign Policy

John Hickman • Mar 13 2014 • Articles

The Crimean Crisis has exposed the growing distance in opinions on US foreign policy between an aggressive elite and weary public. A serious backlash is possible.

Can a Federal State Solve Yemen’s Problems?

Charles Schmitz • Mar 13 2014 • Articles

Yemen’s version of federalism appears aimed at taming the aspirations of the southern movement and Ansar Allah in the north rather than incorporating them into politics.

R2P and Gender: The Marginalization of Responsibilities

Sara E. Davies • Mar 13 2014 • Articles

It is not enough to say R2P must have a gendered approach without identifying what such an approach should look like, and who is responsible for taking this forward.

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