
Human Security at Twenty: Civilizing Process or Civilizing Mission?

Giorgio Shani • Jun 19 2014 • Articles

The problem for human security is that it continues to be articulated in terms unintelligible to the majority of the subjects in whose name it speaks: humanity.

How to Create British Values

Phil Cole • Jun 18 2014 • Articles

There is nothing wrong with endorsing freedom, tolerance and respect for the law as values. But claiming that they emerge from a particular national identity is divisive.

New Atheism: The Politics of Unbelief

Steven Kettell • Jun 18 2014 • Articles

Since the middle of the previous decade, the dramatic rise to prominence of the ‘new atheism’ has kept issues of religion at the forefront of public debate.

Are Drones the Answer? The EU and Contemporary Security Challenges

Jocelyn Mawdsley • Jun 16 2014 • Articles

While the immediate attractions of drones are fairly obvious in the military setting, the EU needs to consider the consequences of this type of technology use.

Entropy Versus Thought Traditions: IR Theory Isn’t Dead Yet

Robert L. Oprisko • Jun 16 2014 • Articles

Despite evidence to the contrary, IR Theory is enjoying a renaissance in novel and dynamic ideas that will keep theorists entertained and debating for years to come.

War from a Distance: The Ethics of Killer Robots

Mark Coeckelbergh • Jun 16 2014 • Articles

Using robots for targeted killing raises the question if this practice counts as “war”. Deciding about killer robots means deciding about the future of war and killing.

Australia Should Pursue Ambitious Climate Change Mitigation Policies

Alexander Nauels • Jun 15 2014 • Articles

A successful transformation of the energy system will ultimately depend on a political agenda that comprises a plurality of efficient climate policy instruments.

Getting Away With It: How Governments Sew Up Foreign Policies in Advance

Peter Harris • Jun 13 2014 • Articles

All foreign policies are stitched together in order to appease the greatest number of potential stakeholders while limiting the number of potential opponents.

The Tale of a ‘Realism’ in International Relations

Hartmut Behr and Xander Kirke • Jun 13 2014 • Articles

The tale of a contiguous Realist tradition, running the gamut from Thucydides to Morgenthau, occludes these thinkers’ strong normative commitments.

New Atheism and the Politicization of Disbelief

Marcus Schulzke • Jun 10 2014 • Articles

New atheism is an important phenomenon for the study of international relations. It represents an unprecedented effort to challenge the political influence of religion.

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