
China’s ADIZ in the East China Sea

Serafettin Yilmaz • Jan 8 2014 • Articles

China’s recently-established ADIZ has been met with a variety of responses from countries both near and far, all of which have strategic implications for the security and stability of the region.

‘Merkiavelli’ – European Politics in the Real World?

Günter Walzenbach • Jan 3 2014 • Articles

The term ‘Merkiavelli’ depicts the political affinity between Machiavelli’s Prince and Angela Merkel. This emerges due to opportunities created by the chaos of the global financial crisis and its repercussions on the Euro.

The Japan-China Relationship as a Structural Conflict

Zhiqun Zhu • Dec 31 2013 • Articles

The already strained relationship between Japan and China has recently faced more challenges and they may benefit from US involvement in the process of regional power transition.

Announcing the 2013 e-IR Scholarship Award Winner

E-International Relations • Dec 23 2013 • Articles

We are pleased to announce that the 2013 Masters Scholarship has been awarded to Vendula Ženatá, who is studying for her Masters degree at the Anglo-American University in the Czech Republic.

Presidential Elections in Tajikistan: Emomali Rahmon’s Fourth Term at the Helm

Kirill Nourzhanov • Dec 23 2013 • Articles

It is likely to be business as usual in the next seven-year term for Rahmon. Barring catastrophic events such as a palace coup, he may well serve it in full and pass the baton to an anointed successor.

Mali 2013: A Year of Elections and Further Challenges

Morten Boas • Dec 22 2013 • Articles

The Malian elections represent a step towards greater stability, but are not a quick-fix to some of the fundamental problems facing the country, including that of armed insurgents.

Ukraine: Finding a Balance Between the EU and Russia

Sandra Fernandes • Dec 20 2013 • Articles

Ukraine is divided between pro-European and pro-Russian choices. The foreign policy choices that it makes over the coming months could have significance in terms of its relationship with the EU.

Resolving Karabakh? The Problem of Protracted Conflicts

Emma Stewart • Dec 18 2013 • Articles

As academics and policy-makers, we need to develop viable research frameworks that combine empirical evidence and expert knowledge to help us to tackle unresolved conflicts.

In Defence of Expertise

Robert W. Murray • Dec 16 2013 • Articles

What exactly is an ‘expert’ and with the incredible databases of knowledge available, is there really a need for experts anymore? Further, do they still exist beyond the ivory towers of academia?

The Hunger Games and Human Security

Alexis Henshaw • Dec 16 2013 • Articles

The cinematic portrayal of The Hunger Games series offers insight into various elements of human security, and how one can be insecure in a society that is at peace.

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