
A Way Ahead in Egypt

Andrew Friedman • Dec 16 2013 • Articles

A well-developed civil society is the only way to ensure that the brave citizens of Egypt who have repeatedly taken to Tahrih Square will have the skills and networks to break the troubling authoritarian cycle.

The Resurgence of Right-Wing Extremism in Greece: A Not So Golden Dawn

Nadia Banteka • Dec 14 2013 • Articles

The fight against Golden Dawn will have an effect, if Greece galvanizes mature political discourse and a new set of institutions based on representation, impartiality, tolerance, and meritocracy.

The Challenge of Illegal Immigration in Europe

Martin A. Schain • Dec 14 2013 • Articles

The process of European unity did not diminish the ability of EU countries to control their own borders, but it has limited their ability to limit unwanted internal migration.

The Debt Crisis in Jamaica – the Caribbean’s Greece?

Peter Clegg • Dec 13 2013 • Articles

Jamaica is one of the most indebted countries in the world and growth has been sluggish for several years. But, there are hopes that IMF-backed reforms will provide relief.

Superman, Iron Man, Captain Kirk and the Predator Drone Dilemma

Marc DiPaolo • Dec 13 2013 • Articles

The way certain summer blockbusters deal with the topic of drones demonstrates that superhero stories continue to make themselves relevant by commenting upon real-world issues.

Humanitarian Intervention in Libya: Not Clash of Civilizations

Afa'anwi Ma'abo Che • Dec 13 2013 • Articles

Hans Koechler’s claim that the NATO intervention in Libya supported Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations is problematic and has the potential to derail future UN sanctioned interventions.

Mohamed Morsi, Egypt and Israel

Glen Segell • Dec 12 2013 • Articles

Morsi’s single year in power brought more changes in relations between Israel and Egypt than the many years of his predecessors, Presidents Mubarak, Sadat and Nasser.

Tweet Your Research

Dylan Kissane • Dec 12 2013 • Articles

As the growth in outlets where research can be published online continues, the importance of using Twitter and other effective social media channels to promote IR research will only grow, too

The Iran Nuclear Deal – A Preliminary Analysis

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Dec 11 2013 • Articles

The recent interim agreement between Iran and the P5+1 raises interesting implications for regional peace and stability in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Victims, Agency, and Human Rights

Diana Tietjens Meyers • Dec 9 2013 • Articles

The existing conceptualization of victim paradigms held in international law fails to provide a nuanced understanding of victim agency. Does the concept of ‘burdened agency’ have the potential to address this problem?

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