
Spies and the Spied Upon: The Continuing Need for Human Surveillance

Steve Hewitt • Nov 17 2013 • Articles

Technological surveillance certainly receives the headlines, however, there’s nothing more effective and powerful than intelligence collection through a living, breathing human being.

What do Faith-based Organisations Seek at the United Nations?

Jeffrey Haynes • Nov 15 2013 • Articles

The UN is increasing interactions with faith-based organizations (FBO) due to an awareness that the ‘values’ FBOs bring to global governance need to be factored in to its deliberations.

The Catholic Church in International Politics

Alan Chong • Nov 14 2013 • Articles

The Catholic Church sees itself as a universal association of believers in a Christian God, serves to enlarge normative space in IR, and deploys Faith and Hope as values for global society.

Reaffirming the General Assembly’s Futility

Robert W. Murray • Nov 13 2013 • Articles

In a history plagued with inaction human rights issues and abuses, the UN again proved its ineptitude this week by awarding seats on its Human Rights Council to China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cuba and Algeria.

The US Rebalance Off-Balance: Missing the Party in Asia

Rosemary Foot • Nov 13 2013 • Articles

Perceptions of the US ability to sustain an Asia-Pacific presence matter. The security order suggests closer correspondence in power and influence between China and the US.

Students or Children?

Dylan Kissane • Nov 12 2013 • Articles

One of the cultural differences that is most striking about teaching in the private sector of France’s higher education industry is the way that French schools infantilise their students. A few examples really push this home.

The Knotted Gun: Practical Solutions to Conflict

Daryl Morini • Nov 11 2013 • Articles

IR academics have a special responsibility to the world, as the inheritors of an enduring and all-important question: How can we prevent future wars?

Czech Elections: How a Billionaire Populist Upstaged Established Parties

Sean Hanley • Nov 9 2013 • Articles

The Czech election results represent a decisive breach in the Republic’s previously stable pattern of party politics. The new political landscape is both fluid and highly fragmented.

Guyana: The Next Economic Tiger?

Peter Clegg • Nov 9 2013 • Articles

Although Guyana is the third poorest country in the Americas it has a tremendous stock of natural resources, and there is great hope that Guyana’s economy has reached take-off phase.

‘There’s a Soldier in All of Us’: Call of Duty’s Promotion of US Foreign Policy

Daniel Golebiewski • Nov 7 2013 • Articles

Video games like Call of Duty have a propaganda hidden in a message: to protect and promote post-9/11 US foreign policy and military strategy.

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