
Phronesis, Morgenthau and Diplomacy

Anthony F. Lang Jr. • Nov 7 2013 • Articles

Morgenthau’s insights into diplomatic practice and his invocation of the Aristotelian idea of phronesis might help us to see the difficulties of diplomatic life today.

The Responses of the Nigerian Defense and Intelligence Establishments to the Boko Haram Security Challenge

Osumah Oarhe • Nov 6 2013 • Articles

Nigeria is sliding into anarchy on account of the Boko Haram insurgency as the defense and intelligence establishments seem to be losing their grip on the security challenge.

Boko Haram and the Isolation of Northern Nigeria

Joseph Siegle • Nov 6 2013 • Articles

The challenges posed by Boko Haram are emblematic of an emerging security paradigm in Africa where local grievances are fused with international ideology, funding, and technology.

U.S Congress and Boko Haram

Caitlin Poling • Nov 6 2013 • Articles

It is imperative that Congress maintains its careful attention to the rise of Boko Haram and takes all steps in its power to prevent an attack on American interests abroad or the US Homeland.

Greece’s Radical Politics on the Dark Side of Dawn

Othon Anastasakis • Nov 5 2013 • Articles

Most governments of the EU are now forced to dance to the tunes of the extreme right. In that respect, the Greek far right stands out as the ugliest reflection in the deforming mirror of the dark side of the EU.

What Not to Say

Simon Thompson • Nov 5 2013 • Articles

The potential for hate speech to lead to actual harm provides the best justification for its criminalization. The problem is that it is rarely possible to discern a clear link between a particular speech and harm caused to specific individuals.

Syria’s Drowning Dream

Afra Jalabi • Nov 5 2013 • Articles

The Arab World is faced with tremendous odds in its journey towards democracy, internally and externally, and the price has been heavy. These challenges are undermining the future stability of the region.

Preparations for Bucharest

Dylan Kissane • Nov 5 2013 • Articles

An international politics conference in Bucharest is on the horizon. The prospect is exciting because it offers the chance to discuss the lessons learnt running Crisis Simulation in the POL 210 class at CEFAM over the last few semesters.

The Psychological Make-up of Mohammed Yusuf

Abeeb Olufemi Salaam • Nov 4 2013 • Articles

Although much has been written about the Boko Haram movement and its insurgent activities, there has been little reporting on Ustaz Muhammad Yusuf, the founder and former leader of the group.

Why Nigeria is Not Winning the Anti-Boko Haram War

Hakeem Onapajo • Nov 3 2013 • Articles

It is only when Nigerians gain a national consensus on how to contain domestic terrorism, and drop ethnic and tribal sentiments, that there can be a meaningful solution to the Boko Haram problem.

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