
India Pivots to Asia… Again

Manjeet Singh Pardesi • Dec 4 2013 • Articles

India has taken the US, Japan and China seriously in its foreign policy considerations, but its pivot to Asia must be understood through its own self-conception as an Asian great power.

No Students ≠ No Work

Dylan Kissane • Dec 3 2013 • Articles

It’s finally here: the end of the Fall semester and yet another period of transition in the academic year. Professors will be closing down courses, refreshing others, getting through administrative tasks and preparing for the Spring.

The Revolution Will Not be Cinematized

Matthew Alford • Dec 3 2013 • Articles

In answer to the question posed by the latest issue of Dissent, Hollywood is not in revolt. Established commercial, corporate, and political pressures are as prominent as the sign hammered into its hills.

The “Turn to Religion” in International Relations Theory

Vendulka Kubalkova • Dec 3 2013 • Articles

The return of religion to IR is both necessary and desirable and IR scholars must not ignore the debates on religion and international relations, even if this requires increased interdisciplinarity.

How to Avoid Another Lampedusa

Mabel González Bustelo • Dec 3 2013 • Articles

A shipwreck off the Italian island of Lampedusa put the issue of immigration back on the EU’s political agenda. A new holistic and balanced policy should include the opening of channels for legal migration.

The Pillars of Qatar’s International Sport Strategy

Mahfoud Amara • Nov 29 2013 • Articles

Qatar has invested in its international brand by hosting major sporting events, developing elite programs and engaging in ‘sport diplomacy’. The result has been a mix of successes and challenges.

Between a Rock and a Cold Place? NATO and the Arctic

Page Wilson • Nov 28 2013 • Articles

NATO has decided neither to retreat, nor to expand to fill the Arctic’s security governance vacuum. Instead, it will continue with its provision of collective security, and maintaining a ‘watching brief’.

Learning by Doing

Dylan Kissane • Nov 26 2013 • Articles

Learning by doing is an incredibly rich and useful approach. It not only delivers significant benefits for students, but it can be a starting point for delivering significant learning about the real world we are modelling, too.

Compliance with Human Rights Tribunals: An Assessment

Courtney Hillebrecht • Nov 25 2013 • Articles

While tribunals can provide some technical assistance, other actors need to provide political incentives for compliance. The best way to improve compliance is to involve domestic stakeholders.

Drug Control Policies are Changing: Why? And Why Has it Taken So Long?

Mike Trace • Nov 25 2013 • Articles

Administrations at all levels are busy reforming laws, strategies and programmes for controlling psychoactive drugs such as cannabis, cocaine & heroin. Why? Or alternatively, why has it taken so long?

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