
Egypt and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Dina Rashed • Apr 27 2023 • Articles

While the life of refugees in Egypt is far from ideal, Syrians have received relatively better treatment compared to other refugees in the country.

Civil Society and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Georgeta V. Pourchot • Apr 26 2023 • Articles

Civil society groups have been holding the Syrian government accountable with their actions and protests since the civil war started in 2011.

The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the Lebanese Response

The Lebanese response can be described as complex, strategic at times, unresponsive at other times, with total reliance on international agencies and donors.

Secularism: A Religion of the 21st Century

Shafi Md Mostofa • Apr 25 2023 • Articles

A ‘secular religion’ could become a dominant religion in the 21st century, alongside established religions.

Childrens’ Picturebooks and World Politics

Lee Jarvis and Nick Robinson • Apr 25 2023 • Articles

Picturebooks are a vitally important, yet largely neglected, site in which world politics is (re)produced, negotiated, and contested.

UNHCR, National Policies and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan

Neda Moayerian and Max O. Stephenson Jr. • Apr 24 2023 • Articles

The dominant framing of refugees as passive and vulnerable and in need of state protection and/or reunification must change.

The European Union’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Evanthia Balla • Apr 22 2023 • Articles

The lack of a common stance towards the crisis by Member States and the complexity of EU policy-making diminishes the value of the EU as a trustworthy regional and global player.

New Book – Policy and Politics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean States

Max O. Stephenson Jr. and Yannis A. Stivachtis • Apr 21 2023 • Articles

This edited volume explores whether and to what extent the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean have sought to integrate refugees of the Syrian conflict into their national societies.

Policy and Politics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean States

Max O. Stephenson Jr. and Yannis A. Stivachtis • Apr 21 2023 • Articles

The refugee crisis continues to have a large impact on European societies and has sparked rises in exclusionary populism, right-wing nationalism, and national security concerns.

When Silence Speaks Louder than Words: Indian Discourses on the ‘China Threat’

Chietigj Bajpaee • Apr 20 2023 • Articles

India needs to be more forthright in speaking about the China threat to ensure a more robust response to China’s growing assertiveness.

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