
Revolutionary Politics in Grenada – A Retrospective

Peter Clegg • Jul 2 2013 • Articles

Almost 30 years ago the US, supported by several countries in the Caribbean, controversially invaded Grenada ending its imported, and largely unloved, Marxist-Leninist political model.

Second Image (Reversed), Framing Effects, and Turkey’s Gezi Park Demonstrations

Edward Webb • Jul 1 2013 • Articles

Prime Minister Erdoğan is not in imminent danger of losing power, but the protests and his response to them could be consequential for Turkey’s democracy and its role in international relations.

NGOs and the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy: Room for Improvements?

Daniela Irrera • Jul 1 2013 • Articles

NGOs have often served as a bridge between the EU personnel and the local communities, especially in countries with low levels of trust in public authorities.

The Third Phase of Syria’s Ongoing Civil War

Fred H. Lawson • Jul 1 2013 • Articles

Syria’s civil war has entered a new phase, which is likely to be more explosive than the ones that preceded it. These trends in the uprising have much to contribute to current scholarship on civil war.

A Critique of the Surveillance Flap

Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones • Jun 30 2013 • Articles

Despite recent revelations by Edward Snowden, the program of mass surveillance by the NSA and its affiliates is new only in its scale and technical characteristics, not in its intent.

Promoting Northeast Asian Environmental Cooperation: Reflections from the EU

Sangsoo Lee and Silvia Pastorelli • Jun 30 2013 • Articles

The European model could be very useful for Northeast Asian countries as they start to draw up a road map for multilateral cooperation and regional integration.

The Limits of Drones, the Law, and Obama

David True • Jun 28 2013 • Articles

There are costs to drones, huge costs that make anything other than their extremely rare use short-sighted. We can only hope that Obama has not learned this lesson too late.

The Geopolitics of Man of Steel

Peter Adey • Jun 27 2013 • Articles

There are some fascinating geopolitical and security themes which run through the Superman re-boot – Man of Steel – including hope, identity, urban catastrophe and gender.

Cyber Security Governance and the Theory of Public Goods

Mischa Hansel • Jun 27 2013 • Articles

Cooperation in cyber security is a hard task even in the absence of national security considerations. A theory of public goods can help us understand cyber security governance and its challenges.

The Three Week IR Course

Dylan Kissane • Jun 27 2013 • Articles

Looking back on a course at the end of a semester is something that every professor does. It’s an opportunity to see what has worked out as planned and to assess how useful the course was for the students.

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