
Sex and International Tribunals: The Erasure of Gender from the War Narrative

Chiseche Mibenge • Jun 27 2013 • Articles

The prosecution of wartime sexual violence in Africa has created a debasing narrative about the bodies of African women, raising doubts over justice’s impartiality and independence from local influences.

Tax Havens, Transparency, and the G8

Peter Clegg • Jun 27 2013 • Articles

Widespread criticism of tax havens is now commonplace, having become a hot political issue in Europe and the US with the activities of several large corporations coming under the spotlight.

Sexual Harassment in Tahrir Square

Nancy Gallagher • Jun 27 2013 • Articles

Many have struggled to understand why sexual harassment in Egypt is increasing. Yet, it is clear that women and men in the post-revolutionary period will no longer keep silent.

Drones are Justifiable Tools of Warfare

Brian Orend • Jun 26 2013 • Articles

People’s unease with high tech change needs to give way to a more moderate (and finely grained) analysis aided not only by the facts but by the abiding values of just war theory.

Teaching IR with Popular Culture

Matt Davies • Jun 26 2013 • Articles

How can we teach popular culture and politics without falling into the “real” politics / “imaginary” culture divide that is premised on an elementary understanding of culture as well as of politics?

African Unity at 50: From Non-Interference to Non-Indifference

Ian Taylor • Jun 25 2013 • Articles

Vast economic divergences and uneven development across the continent represent a major problem for African unity. Until this changes, the African Union is unlikely to reach its potential.

Kenneth Waltz: The Man Who Saved Realism

Ian Hall • Jun 24 2013 • Articles

When Kenneth Waltz passed away International Relations lost one of its finest theorists. But, Waltz’s greatest legacy to IR was his revival – indeed, his resurrection – of realism.

Obama, Just War, and Drones

Eric Patterson and Rushad Thomas • Jun 23 2013 • Articles

Drones bring a new meaning to the notion of pilot and blur the distinctions between traditional military personnel and other fighters. Thus, considerable ethical and legal reflection is needed.

The Modeling Enterprise in International Relations

Kevin A. Clarke and David M. Primo • Jun 22 2013 • Articles

Both theoretical and empirical work is important in IR, but empirical models are not useful for testing theoretical models. A new justification for linking the two is required.

Gendering Computers in Science Fiction: What Gives?

Luke M. Herrington • Jun 22 2013 • Articles

Neil deGrasse Tyson wants to know why female computer voices always announce self-destruct sequences. The answer might be found in IR’s approach to feminism.

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