
Fun and Freedom at ECE

Dylan Kissane • Sep 24 2013 • Articles

The freedom to lecture on global issues and to propose new ways of thinking to a group of bright, engaged students and to really have fun in the classroom outweigh the obvious drawbacks of getting through less material.

Iran, the SCO and Major Geo-strategic Shifts in a Post-Ahmadinejad Era

Hossein Aghaie Joobani • Sep 24 2013 • Articles

The prospects for Iranian membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are likely to improve following the Iranian election. But, the move might be costly for Iran.

Rationality, Emotion, and Protracted Civil War Violence

Manus Midlarsky • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

Why do some people initiate or prolong conflict when the odds are decidedly against them? An emotion-based theory provides an explanation of behavior at the onset of or during civil war.

Huntington and Post-Cold War Paradigms: If Not the Clash of Civilizations, What?

Terry Tucker • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

The twentieth anniversary of ‘The Clash of Civilizations?’ provides us with the opportunity to re-examine the ongoing relevance of Huntington’s thesis in the context of contemporary geopolitics.

The Geopolitics of the Struggle for Syria

Bassel F. Salloukh • Sep 23 2013 • Articles

The disaster in Syria epitomizes the destructive effects of the sectarianization of regional geopolitical battles and the use of the popular Arab uprisings for otherwise geopolitical ends.

The Illusion of Politics

Timothy Fitzgerald • Sep 21 2013 • Articles

We have an intuitive understanding about what politics is, but since most domains of life can be described as political, politics is so universal that a definition is difficult to pin down.

The Truth About Human Terrain Teams: An Evidence-Based Response to Gian Gentile

Michael Davies • Sep 21 2013 • Articles

The lessons to be learnt from HTT’s are important and should be studied because the past decade of war demands nothing less than our best to ensure the same mistakes are not repeated.

Beyond Chemical Weapons Control: Securing a Ceasefire and Broadening the Diplomatic Agenda on Syria

Robert Mason • Sep 20 2013 • Articles

With diplomatic relations improving between the US and Russia, it is time to consider diplomacy-driven measures to achieve a UN Security Council Resolution that establishes a durable Syrian peace process.

European Defence Policy: An Economic Perspective

Keith Hartley • Sep 20 2013 • Articles

European defence policy cannot ignore economic dimensions. Falling defence budgets and rising costs mean that difficult choices are ahead for nation states, the EU, and national defence industries.

Media as a Driving Force in International Politics: The CNN Effect and Related Debates

Piers Robinson • Sep 17 2013 • Articles

CNN effect research should continue to explore how the media plays an influential role in policy formulation but it needs to account for the so-called manufacturing consent or indexing theories.

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