
Justifying Violence: Communicative Ethics and the Use of Force in Kosovo

Naomi Head • Jun 21 2013 • Articles

Communicative ethics is not about passing moral judgement on the use of force in Kosovo, but rather of demonstrating legitimacy shortcomings by identifying constraints on communicative practices.

Contemporary Apocalyptic Cinema

James Aston and John Walliss • Jun 20 2013 • Articles

The apocalyptic blockbusters of 2013 might provide answers as to whether optimistic resolutions will continue or recent events in global politics will signal a return to pessimistic narratives.

Vernacular Securities and Everyday Life

Michael Lister and Lee Jarvis • Jun 19 2013 • Articles

Security studies doesn’t engage with vernacular, or everyday, experiences of security. As such, its authority to discuss contemporary sources of insecurity is greatly reduced.

Economic Land Concessions and the Law in Cambodia

Keally McBride • Jun 18 2013 • Articles

In Cambodia, economic land concessions are taking property away as fast as landmine removal is giving it back, but now, consensus is that the most pressing issue there is land rights.

The Syria on the Horizon

William Harris • Jun 14 2013 • Articles

Bashar al-Assad and his circle will continue to refuse any Syria that is not theirs. There is no daylight for diplomacy here. A plausible scenario involves a war of multiple phases lasting years.

24 Years, 10 Days

Dylan Kissane • Jun 14 2013 • Articles

It’s 24 years and 10 days since Chinese soldiers executed citizens for daring to demand the right to a say in their own future. Since then, China has changed in many ways, but much has sadly stayed the same.

Solidarity with ERT

Marianna Karakoulaki • Jun 13 2013 • Articles

On 12 June, the Greek Government shocked society by shutting down its public broadcaster. It is important for the public to unite and show the current regime that they will no longer tolerate such actions.

Emotions in International Relations

Brent Sasley • Jun 12 2013 • Articles

The main theoretical approaches to IR have all built on emotional states: realists emphasize fear, institutionalists trust, Marxists greed, constructivists affect. But only recently have scholars sought to explore the effects of emotional states.

Are They Intervening Yet? Power and Spillover in the Syrian Conflict

Ciaran Gillespie • Jun 11 2013 • Articles

Any question about whether the west should intervene in Syria is a fairly moot point when considering history. Although it may not be immediately recognisable, we have been intervening for some time.

To Be or Not to Be, Nude! The Predictable Feminist Outrage

Swati Parashar • Jun 10 2013 • Articles

Feminist posturing, worried about the unintended consequences and racism of FEMEN’s unrest, leave no space for those women who may feel empathetic towards Amina Tyler and towards FEMEN.

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