
When Mandela Dies

Amanda Gouws • Jun 10 2013 • Articles

Nelson Mandela’s true followers will be those who return to the concerns of the people – the poor and homeless South Africans who are still waiting for democracy to improve their lives. In these leaders his name will live on.

Norms on Gender Equality and Violent Conflict

Åsa Ekvall • Jun 10 2013 • Articles

Åsa Ekvall investigates the strong correlation between gender equality and violent conflict and finds that although causality is difficult to prove there is still value in examining the link between the two.

Towards Heartfelt Positivity as a New Approach for (Feminist) IR

Elina Penttinen • Jun 10 2013 • Articles

Feminist IR is preoccupied with the study of suffering, exploitation and vulnerabilities. A new approach should draw upon posthumanism to include joy, amusement and heartfelt positivity.

Notes from Shanghai

Dylan Kissane • Jun 9 2013 • Articles

For a western politics professor, it is natural to try to keep your eyes open for differences in everyday life under communist rule in Shanghai. Yet aside from the internet censorship, there is little that leaves one worried.

Historicizing the International

Xavier Guillaume • Jun 8 2013 • Articles

History enables us not only to understand why the international has the shape it now possesses, but also, how historicizing the international identifies what is left outside dominant historiographical rationality.

“Killer Robots”: Double Standards? Blind Faith?

Michael Aaronson • Jun 7 2013 • Articles

It is strange that we vest in a piece of machinery the moral blame that belongs to humans, and alarming that faith in technology and the power of numbers is leading us down a dangerous path.

Gender, Urban Development and the Politics of Space

Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine • Jun 4 2013 • Articles

While at one level the contemporary ‘urban transition’ in the Global South offers scope for advancing gender equality, barriers to female empowerment remain widespread, especially among the urban poor.

Much Ado About Killer Robots

Alexander Leveringhaus • Jun 4 2013 • Articles

The spectre of Killer Robots is haunting the world. However, it is by no means clear what they are. Humans have not needed much persuasion to kill. Are robots really any worse?

Mission Accomplished

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jun 4 2013 • Articles

Obama recently gave a speech in which he tried to start a national discussion to redefine the nature of the struggle against al Qaeda and its affiliates. He said that this war had to have boundaries and, like all wars, must end.

The EU-China Strategic Partnership: Counter-Piracy Cooperation Game-Changer?

Benjamin Barton • Jun 3 2013 • Articles

EU-China decision makers need to encourage further practical initiatives coming from below in order to improve the way their Strategic Partnership game is played.

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