
The Investigation of Emotion in Leadership

Rose McDermott • Sep 17 2013 • Articles

Insights from psychology can develop our understanding of IR. One example is the examination of emotion in decision making which can enhance our understanding of the roles and functions of leadership.

The Model UN Club

Dylan Kissane • Sep 17 2013 • Articles

Professors suffer competing pressures to teach, research and be involved in the lives of their school and students. In smaller institutions such pressures weigh heaviest on the outside lives and time of the faculty.

From Secularism to Reciprocity: Banning the Veil in France and Beyond

Peter Baehr and Daniel Gordon • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

The concept of democratic reciprocity offers a way to understand France’s ban on full-face coverings and can explain why France’s approach has proved attractive to other countries.

The Duality of Syria: Civil War and The War on Terror

Sameera Khalfey • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

Finding a conclusion to the civil war and the ‘War on Terror’ is reliant upon fulfilling the will of the Syrian people without letting them fracture to the point of continuing civil unrest.

IR and the Pursuit of Knowledge: Endless Theoretical Questions?

A.C. McKeil • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

Questions and reflections drawn from Tim Dunne, Lene Hansen and Collin Wight’s laudable and important EJIR special issue, ‘End of International Relations Theory?’ and its companion symposium.

Moral Outrage Necessitates Defining a Strategy for Syria

Robert G. Rabil • Sep 16 2013 • Articles

The Obama administration has to contextualize its potential strike in Syria by formulating its military objectives within a political framework that aims to stop the vicious mayhem engulfing Syria.

The Syrian Deadlock – Bashar al-Assad and Barak Obama’s Moment of Truth

Eyal Zisser • Sep 15 2013 • Articles

Bashar al-Assad may play his cards well and stay in power in Syria, however, the future of the Middle East – as well as the future of the Syrian campaign – is likely to be decided by Washington.

How War Weary Are We?

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 15 2013 • Articles

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have made the U.S. public war weary, which is constraining Obama’s efforts to mobilize support for a strike against the Assad regime. But, how accurate is this picture?

National Security and Public Accountability in Australia

David Martin Jones • Sep 14 2013 • Articles

The maintenance of national security and the evolution of an Australian Intelligence Community has raised questions concerning its necessity, and the most accountable ways of sustaining it.

Lessons From WWI

Peter Vale • Sep 13 2013 • Articles

Next year marks the Centenary of the First World War. Watching the tragic events unfold in Syria provokes one to think of the lessons learned from the carnage brought about by WWI.

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