
Much Ado About Killer Robots

Alexander Leveringhaus • Jun 4 2013 • Articles

The spectre of Killer Robots is haunting the world. However, it is by no means clear what they are. Humans have not needed much persuasion to kill. Are robots really any worse?

Mission Accomplished

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jun 4 2013 • Articles

Obama recently gave a speech in which he tried to start a national discussion to redefine the nature of the struggle against al Qaeda and its affiliates. He said that this war had to have boundaries and, like all wars, must end.

The EU-China Strategic Partnership: Counter-Piracy Cooperation Game-Changer?

Benjamin Barton • Jun 3 2013 • Articles

EU-China decision makers need to encourage further practical initiatives coming from below in order to improve the way their Strategic Partnership game is played.

Star Trek and International Relations

Amit Gupta • Jun 2 2013 • Articles

Star Trek’s heydays were when it reflected interstellar conflict between empires/nation states. The re-imagined movies have allowed us to retrace such conflicts and relive some of the best moments of the show.

The Estonian President and Baroness Neville-Jones in Conversation on Cyber Security

Rachael Squire • Jun 2 2013 • Articles

Toomas Hendrik Ilves recently visited the UK to discuss the threat of cyber security. It turned out to be a fascinating discussion about personal freedoms, liberty and state power.

Iran, the Arab Street and Avoiding a Military Strike

Stephen Ellis • May 31 2013 • Articles

Iran’s influence on the Arab world is waning. The regime faces increasing domestic and international pressures, and is looking for a game changer. This is why a military strike on Iran must be avoided.

Does Chemical Weapons Use by the Syrian Government Present a Watershed?

Sophia Hoffmann • May 31 2013 • Articles

The way we think and feel about particular kinds of weapons is significantly influenced by the way they are talked about and acted upon by the powerful.

European Integration in the Western Balkans: Revising the Transformative Power of the EU

Arolda Elbasani • May 30 2013 • Articles

In the Western Balkans, the main issue for the EU remains how to turn the trajectory of regime change and mounting structural deficit into a successful story of state- and institution-building.

China and Russia: Common Themes in Counter-Terrorism

Robert Potter • May 30 2013 • Articles

Xinjiang’s place within the global war on terrorism is interesting. China’s narrative on the issue has fascinating similarities with the Russian narrative on the conflict in Chechnya.

The EU’s New Neighbourhood Policy: An Appropriate Response to the Arab Spring?

Ingeborg Tömmel • May 29 2013 • Articles

The Arab Spring opened a window of opportunity for the EU to reformulate the European Neighbourhood Policy. However, it seems that the EU did not adequately exploit this opportunity.

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