
The Enduring Relevance of International Regimes

Peter M. Haas • Jan 22 2013 • Articles

Theorizing about international regimes from multiple angles has provided enduring and fruitful insights into world politics and the origins and effects of international cooperation.

The Obama Administration and the Israel Lobby

Jerome Slater • Jan 21 2013 • Articles

In light of Israeli expansion into Palestinian territories, it is clear that there is no chance for a peace settlement in the absence of sustained U.S. pressure on Israel – which is unlikely.

2015 the New Copenhagen? The UNFCCC Process Risks Falling into Faulty Patterns

J. Jackson Ewing • Jan 19 2013 • Articles

UNFCCC actors need to converge on overarching processes and strategies, and this necessitates a sober look at past failures, current trajectories and the connections that currently bind them.

Gavrilo Princip and a First Day Quiz

Dylan Kissane • Jan 18 2013 • Articles

Grabbing students’ attention is crucial in international politics classes. This is why the CEFAM IR class begins with a story which speaks to the complexity of international politics: the story of Gavrilo Princip.

The “Doha Miracle”? Where are the Women in Climate Change Negotiations?

Katharina Höne • Jan 18 2013 • Articles

The decision to increase women’s participation in climate change negotiations was branded the doha miracle. Yet, it is necessary to examine these provisions to assess their potential.

An International Relations Buffet

Dylan Kissane • Jan 17 2013 • Articles

Though there is often a lot to cover, IR classes should get students excited about IR and allow them, by the end of the course, to understand just why a student needs to be aware of the political world around them.

The Corporatization of Sustainability

Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister • Jan 17 2013 • Articles

The accelerating market competition to go “green” is not about ensuring the sustainability of the global environment. Rather, it is a competition to turn the concept of sustainability into a business tool.

Insuring Security

Rachael Squire • Jan 17 2013 • Articles

Sandy was a catastrophe that came with a great cost. The event showed that the political economy of risk is enormous, cementing the role of actors such as Lloyds not as anomalies of geopolitics and security but as agents.

An EU Model for ASEAN?

Reuben Wong • Jan 16 2013 • Articles

The EU is not a model power for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. At this point, it is simply another regional organization that can serve as a reference point for ASEAN’s past and future institutionalization.

Celebrating 5 years of e-IR

Adam Groves and Stephen McGlinchey • Jan 14 2013 • Articles

We’ve been racking our brains trying to think of a good way to celebrate e-IR’s fifth birthday with you. Half a decade online feels like a milestone that’s worth marking! So, here’s the idea we have come up with…

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