
Bhutan: Elections 2013

Medha Bisht • Jan 2 2013 • Articles

While Bhutan has a way to go in its democratization process, as certain social and economic issues need to be tackled, there are also foreign policy challenges which will have to be addressed in 2013 and beyond.

Geopolitical Insecurities and Territorial Grievances in East Asia

John Hickman • Dec 31 2012 • Articles

The roots of the South China Sea disputes originate in the results of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Coming to terms with China as it exerts its power will be pricey, yet necessary.

Who is the Paramount Leader of China?

Robert Potter • Dec 28 2012 • Articles

As we witness the change in leadership in China, led ostensibly by Xi Jinping, new evidence is rapidly emerging which we can use to develop our understanding further.

Predictions for 2013

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Dec 28 2012 • Articles

It’s that time of year when the illusion of insight is replaced by the illusion of foresight in bloggers everywhere. Attempts to make lists like this one longer or shorter than 10 fail, so in that spirit, let’s get on with it!

UNSCR 1325 in Palestine: Strengthening or Disciplining Women’s Peace Activism?

Sophie Richter-Devroe • Dec 28 2012 • Articles

Many local actors remain sceptical of 1325. In Palestine the Resolution has not strengthened, but rather disciplined, women’s political activism within a specific international feminist peace agenda.

Two Regimes of Time

Andrew R. Hom • Dec 24 2012 • Articles

Western standard time seems to have something for most regime theories. Combining contemporary regime theory with historical inquiry can explicate how WST tames the problem of time through effective ‘timing’.

The Dilemmas of a Hybrid Peace

Oliver Richmond • Dec 23 2012 • Articles

Hybrid forms of politics result from the local/international encounter, resulting in a possible typology of several possibilities, which has implications for the resultant hybrid forms of peace.

International Regimes and the Just War Tradition

Eric A. Heinze • Dec 23 2012 • Articles

Conceiving of the just war tradition as a security regime may offer insights that scholars could find interesting, particularly from Grotian, social constructivist, and critical theory perspectives.

The Asian Century Crumbles

Devin Stewart • Dec 22 2012 • Articles

Kishore Mahbubani once said, “If you want to see the past, go to Europe. If you want to see the future, come to Asia.” That future has not arrived. Until a rival idea emerges, the present belongs to America and its universal values.

Did Public Diplomacy Kill the British Council?

James Pamment • Dec 22 2012 • Articles

The focus on public diplomacy organisation and objectives must be rejected. Instead, we need to integrate a culturally-informed understanding of foreign groups, organisations and dynamics into the core of decision-making.

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