
International Regimes as Concept

M. J. Peterson • Dec 21 2012 • Articles

Though “regime theory” is a misleading term, in a world where there is no centralized political authority, the concept of an international regime remains useful enough to be kept in the analytical toolkit.

Why History Repeats Itself in Eastern DR Congo

Timothy Raeymaekers • Dec 20 2012 • Articles

The reason DR Congo continues to be characterized by a plethora of institutions, tariffs and jurisdictions in its eastern borderlands involves the international community’s flawed attempts to coerce powerful protection rackets into an ideal-type post-war state.

Unpacking Rwanda’s Involvement in DR Congo and the International Response

Danielle Beswick • Dec 19 2012 • Articles

Censuring Rwanda for its involvement in DR Congo could put its prominent UN peacekeeping contributions at risk. Rwanda has shown some willingness to negotiate a withdrawal of M23 from Goma.

Ukraine’s New Political Colours?

Marta Dyczok • Dec 19 2012 • Articles

Ukraine has been dominated in recent years by a corrupt elite whose heavy handed tactics have made it difficult for an effective opposition to organize. The key question is how will this new minority Parliament govern?

Afghanistan: China’s New Frontier?

Serafettin Yilmaz • Dec 19 2012 • Articles

Recent Chinese actions may be seen as part of an experiment of a Pax Sinica through which China would lead a secure and prosperous region. Afghanistan offers a test ground for this regional strategy.

“The Trouble With Aid”

Michael Aaronson • Dec 17 2012 • Articles

A recent BBC documentary tackled the question “does humanitarian aid sometimes do more harm than good?” but missed an important opportunity by failing to ask whether we expect too much of aid in the first place.

After 2014: The U.S./NATO Missions in Afghanistan

J Vowell • Dec 17 2012 • Articles

Keeping insurgent groups at bay after transition increases the chances of Taliban exhaustion and eventual acceleration of reconciliation – a political solution that will be decisive for Afghanistan’s future.

Congo in Context

Adam Elliott-Cooper • Dec 14 2012 • Articles

Holding governments to account, not only for colonial legacies, but for the continued indirect imperialism currently being imposed on the people of Congo, is the only way justice and autonomy for the region and its people can be achieved.

LGBT Rights in Turkey: The Long Road To Tolerance

Volkan Yılmaz and Sinan Birdal • Dec 14 2012 • Articles

Turkish society’s attitude towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals is challenging. Although the current picture is bleak, LGBT activists and their allies are working hard to make Turkey a more tolerant place.

2012 Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine: Balancing on the Edge

Olena Rybiy • Dec 13 2012 • Articles

The 2012 elections showed that Ukraine’s ruling party blatantly facilitated the change in the laws and regulations in its favor. Yet, domestic democratic elements exist and are gaining strength.

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