
‘Tryst with Destiny’: Remapping the Promised Land(s)

Dilpreet Bhullar • Jan 14 2013 • Articles

The deep scars left by the partition of India and Pakistan are often overlooked by high politics but an analysis of photographs from the time uncovers the reality of the impact of partition on the population(s).

Latin American Emerging Multinationals Facing the Region’s Social Challenges

Lourdes Casanova • Jan 14 2013 • Articles

Emerging multinationals in Latin America have a responsibility to be part of the solution to social problems and need to integrate policies to give back to their societies in order to make them more prosperous for all.

Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Legal under International Law?

Tilman Rodenhäuser • Jan 14 2013 • Articles

International law could serve as a framework to clarify some of the disputed issues in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Under this framework Israel cannot claim to have a valid title to the Occupied Palestinian Territories – neither historically, nor based on the Palestine Mandate.

The Eight-Day War

Glen Segell • Jan 14 2013 • Articles

The one problem that prevents an end to the Israel-Palestine issue is the willingness of leaders to take the chance of compromise to get something which is better than nothing.

Israel-Iran Nuclear Crisis: A Diplomatic Opportunity

A nuclear-armed Iran could create a military catastrophe for the region, potentially demanding a militarized response from neighbors. However, it is not without opportunity for resolution.

Envisioning a Multidisciplinary Research Agenda for Public Diplomacy

Craig Hayden • Jan 11 2013 • Articles

The diversity of activities labelled as public diplomacy obviates the need for a “theory” of public diplomacy. Investigations should instead examine how it offers new sites of inquiry.

Santa Wars: Do We Really Need to Militarize Santa?

Colin Flint • Jan 10 2013 • Articles

NORAD’s website using US military surveillance technology to track Santa across the globe is an example of the pervasive manner in which all things military have become part of all things in US society.

The Enduring Importance of Hobbes in the Study of IR

Guilio Gallarotti • Jan 10 2013 • Articles

Complex rationality, as demonstrated in Hobbes’ tale of the fool, opens up possibilities for synthesizing three IR paradigms. This more cosmopolitan vision might inspire a new paradigm: cosmopolitik.

The Importance of Women in the 2012 U.S. Elections

Kristi Andersen • Jan 10 2013 • Articles

Women candidates did extremely well in the 2012 election. In this era of political dysfunction in Washington, perhaps we can be forgiven for finding a small bit of optimism here.

Countdown to Spring

Dylan Kissane • Jan 9 2013 • Articles

e-IR’s new blog, Political Business, will record the ways through which business students are introduced to IR, how they are taught, how they learn, and the challenges that they encounter in and out of the classroom.

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