
The Indian Woman’s Reality

Kirthi Jayakumar • Jan 9 2013 • Articles

India thronged to the streets recently in protest, after a young woman was brutally gang raped and subsequently died. But what the masses and policy-makers have failed to understand are the deeper cultural problems, allowing such crimes to happen.

Moldova and NATO: Expansion Stops at the Dniester River?

W. Alejandro Sanchez • Jan 9 2013 • Articles

Moldova is one of the few European countries that is not a member of NATO. There is little that Chisinau may be able to contribute to the Alliance to make it desirable as a member.

Reconstructing Arab States: Do Fractured Politics Require the Tools of Transitional Justice?

Anthony Chase • Jan 8 2013 • Articles

The way to clear a path towards true revolutions in the Arab world that reconstitute public spheres in more open and pluralistic ways begins with coming to terms with the past.

Cypriot Women’s Struggles for Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Maria Hadjipavlou • Jan 7 2013 • Articles

Cyprus’ problems go beyond ethnicized politics into the fabric of its social order. A gender equality perspective can liberate men and women to build a healthier, just and democratic society.

Nuclear Energy and Resolving Environmental Problems: Examining the Case of India

Manpreet Sethi • Jan 7 2013 • Articles

Enhancing energy production and sustaining the environment are not an either/or choice. India must be greedy enough to want both. Nuclear power does provide a solution worthy of consideration.

Australia’s Economic and Security Dilemma: US or China?

Richard Zalski • Jan 6 2013 • Articles

To an external observer, it might seem like the US-Australian alliance is as strong as ever. However, if one looks deeper, rising discontent and disagreements are visible.

Has Operation Pillar of Defense Enhanced Israel’s Deterrence?

Zaki Shalom • Jan 6 2013 • Articles

Operation Pillar of Defense has demonstrated Israel’s growing military capabilities, enhancing its deterrence against Hamas. Yet, this situation may not last for long.

Economic Crisis in Cyprus: Repercussions, Turkey and the Turkish-Cypriots

Zenonas Tziarras • Jan 3 2013 • Articles

Given Cyprus’ loss of diplomatic leverage due to the needed economic aid/bail-out, Cyprus needs to proceed with caution toward the EU, while standing by the Turkish-Cypriot community.

Definitions, Ideas, Visions and Challenges for Cultural Diplomacy

Karl-Erik Norrman • Jan 3 2013 • Articles

Cultural diplomacy is growing in significance. It utilizes the instruments of cultural and artistic life in a way which may make hearts and souls meet across borders.

Defending Canada in 2013

Robert W. Murray • Jan 2 2013 • Articles

As a new year dawns, Canada should accept that the strategies and doctrines of the last 20 years do not apply to the current global context. Relying on outdated concerns makes little sense in 2013 and beyond.

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