
The Lack of Evidence for Supporting Increased Data Retention

Clement Guitton • Nov 13 2012 • Articles

Proponents to the Draft Communication Data Bill fear that collecting more data will be ineffective and counter-productive. The lack of oversight for such important data collection could lead to abuses for people not only in the UK, but worldwide.

The Conservative Party and Euroscepticism

Simon Usherwood • Nov 11 2012 • Articles

The past couple of years have seen a succession of policy stances by the British Conservative party that would appear to confirm its popular image as a eurosceptic actor.

Globalization and the Crumbling BRICS: From Promises to Threats

Jack A. Goldstone • Nov 11 2012 • Articles

The BRICS, expected to be the motors of global recovery, are sputtering. The simplest explanation for this lies in the same factor that promoted their rapid growth: globalization.

Beyond the Wall: Writing Conflict and History in Jerusalem

Noam Leshem • Nov 10 2012 • Articles

Due to the conflict surrounding the city, Jerusalem has understandably become a prime object of inquiry, offering a rich arena of analysis for scholars across the social sciences.

Security, Society and the Games

Elisabetta Brighi • Nov 9 2012 • Articles

To file the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics away as a success would ignore the ways in which they have revealed evolutions in the practices of security and its impact on contemporary society and politics.

The Role of National Leaders in Foreign Policy

Robert W. Murray • Nov 7 2012 • Articles

Although it is assumed that individual leaders create and implement their own foreign policies, foreign policy is not nearly as leader-centric as observers tend to believe.

The 4th Quadrant of Public Diplomacy

R. S. Zaharna • Nov 6 2012 • Articles

With Wikileaks, the Arab Spring, and the Occupy Movement, nation states are facing a second wake-up call in public diplomacy as adversarial publics challenge them in the quest for global public support.

Why Diplomacy in a Global World is Shaped by Local Media

Cristina Archetti • Nov 2 2012 • Articles

Although we seem to live in a global world, examining how communication technologies are used on a daily basis by social actors is key to understanding how diplomacy is evolving.

The Problematic Evolution of UN Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security

Sara Meger • Nov 1 2012 • Articles

UNSCR 1325 is groundbreaking. However, we need to be wary of focusing disproportionately on ‘rape as a weapon of war’ as it undermines the potential for action to address other forms of gendered violence that is perpetrated in conflict-affected societies.

The Sejdic and Finci Case: More Than Just a Human Rights Issue?

Elyse Wakelin • Oct 31 2012 • Articles

The Sejdic and Finci ruling highlighted the human rights difficulties which are still present in Bosnia. The future of Bosnia as an EU member is only possible if political parties put ethnic feuds aside.

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