
If This is the Case Study, What is the Research Question?

Tom Hashimoto • Oct 8 2012 • Articles

If “Pussy Riot” and “the Plastic People of Universe” are the case studies, what is the research question? When we use this exercise to guess the question from the given case studies, we identify potential biases and strengthen our research design.

Decolonizing International Relations

Sankaran Krishna • Oct 8 2012 • Articles

A colonized IR demeans and diminishes all of us; decolonizing the discipline is an ongoing and never-to-be-completed critical questioning of our everyday practices and logics of interpretation.

Noopolitik in the Arctic

Idriss J. Aberkane and Eirin B. Haug • Oct 8 2012 • Articles

The Arctic Game is much more significant than a mere geopolitical race between a fractured NATO, Russia and China. It will reveal the maturity, or lack thereof, of all its players.

Polish Public Diplomacy

Beata Ociepka • Oct 8 2012 • Articles

Polish public diplomacy has adopted means of strategic communication and demonstrates a strong belief in the importance of perceptions, images and brands in international politics.

Public Life and Pussy Riot in Putin’s Russia

Olga Zeveleva • Oct 7 2012 • Articles

The persecution of Pussy Riot was meant to delineate the acceptable boundaries of behavior to the Russian population. And thus the system drags itself forward, looking more and more absurd every week.

Egypt’s Many Game-Changers: Identifying the Drivers of Change

Jacob Kennedy • Oct 7 2012 • Articles

Egypt’s political future hangs precariously in the balance. Shrouded in obscurity and uncertainty, the transitional path to a democratic, civilian state is difficult and vastly complicated.

ASEAN and the European Union: Lessons in Integration

Moe Thuzar • Oct 7 2012 • Articles

The experiences of ASEAN-EU integration have clarified some hard truths. Both organisations should take each other more seriously and recognise the differences and similarities between their respective regions and organisational structures.

Green on Blue: The Rot Before the Storm

Ben Wadham • Oct 6 2012 • Articles

Green on blue attacks herald a new phase in the US/NATO pacification of Afghanistan. They trigger sensitivities around the extent to which the Afghanistan intervention has created real and enduring change.

Bridge No More? Turkish Public Diplomacy and Branding under the AKP Government

Efe Sevin • Oct 5 2012 • Articles

In order to better communicate with the rest of the world regardless of their religious affiliations and establish a stable identity, Turkey should focus on institutionalizing its public diplomacy attempts and should soften its anger-driven rhetorical style.

A Critical Perspective on Volunteer Tourism and Development

Joe Sutcliffe • Oct 4 2012 • Articles

Though volunteer tourism has come under increasing scrutiny from critical scholarship, it has the potential for positive and enduring change in regards to development and poverty.

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