
The Gradual Tilt to Asia: Cause for Re-Defining Saudi Arabia’s Regional Environment?

Robert Mason • Oct 3 2012 • Articles

By promoting and continuing to dominate the sub-regionalisation of Middle East foreign policy through a more integrated and assertive GCC, Saudi Arabia could stand itself in good stead to gain from a tilt to Asia.

To What Extent is Britain Post-Colonial?

Hakim Adi • Oct 3 2012 • Articles

The British majority is anti-colonial rather than post-colonial, while the elites remain dangerously wedded to colonial era values and appear to believe that with this outlook Britain can be made great again.

UNSCR 1325 in Northern Ireland: Opportunities, Challenges and Complexities

Melanie Hoewer • Oct 2 2012 • Articles

The unique positioning of Northern Ireland brings to light both the challenges and the innovation potential arising out of implementation processes of UNSCR 1325 at the official state and the community levels.

Considering YouTube Diplomacy

Philip Seib • Oct 2 2012 • Articles

The differences in Western and Arab reactions to the Innocence of Muslims video clip cannot be reconciled. A cultural détente is our best hope. YouTube diplomacy is now an issue that all nations must address.

The BRICS Bank and the Global South

Siphamandla Zondi • Oct 2 2012 • Articles

The idea of a BRICS development bank is now a huge bone of contention in South Africa, but the idea is pregnant with many positive possibilities provided it focuses on South-led global development.

A Global Survey of the IR Curriculum

Daryl Morini and Christian Romuss • Oct 1 2012 • Articles

Today marks the opening of a global survey of the IR curriculum. We are calling on all IR students to tell us exactly what they think of the theory-practice balance in their studies, and of their IR education in general

The Lukewarm Response from the International Community to the Crises in Guinea-Bissau

Brandon D. Lundy • Oct 1 2012 • Articles

Since the most recent coup in April, Guinea-Bissau has continued to seek new international partners. But only time will tell if growing foreign investment in Guinea-Bissau will help it escape failed statehood.

‘The Shadow of an Axe’: Exploring the Hungary-Azerbaijan-Armenia Diplomatic Tensions

Andras Racz • Sep 30 2012 • Articles

With the extradition of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan, Hungary maneuvered itself into a position where it has to cope with all the negative domestic and international consequences of the case.

The First Great Debate

Brian C. Schmidt • Sep 28 2012 • Articles

Eighty plus years after the debate between idealists and realists allegedly occurred, the ‘first great debate’ continues to occupy a central place in IR’s historical consciousness. Yet, we now have a better understanding of the historiography of the field.

The Shifting China Narrative: From ‘Rise’ to ‘Fall?’

Harry Kazianis • Sep 28 2012 • Articles

From 1995 until about 2010 experts sang the praises of China’s rise, but the last several years have seen a gradual shift in the conversation. Now, talk of China’s impending “fall” is in vogue.

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