
Ethics and Empirics: The Influence of Hayward R. Alker on Global Studies

Renee Marlin-Bennett • Sep 17 2012 • Articles

Alker demonstrated the importance and the practicality of ethically grounded, empirically rigorous studies of global relations. He leaves behind an important body of work.

The Causes of the New Space Race

Daryl Morini • Sep 17 2012 • Articles

The first space race was the start of a new era in human history, not its apogee. There is no guarantee that we will not repeat it. But if money is the sinews of war, this space race will be more formidable than the last.

To Kill a Diplomat: The Modern Mechanics of a Tragedy

Ivaylo Iaydjiev • Sep 16 2012 • Articles

The murder of Christopher Stevens has an unmistakably 21st century feel to it. It remains a senseless loss of life due to human stupidity and bigotry.

The Meaning of Mars

Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz • Sep 15 2012 • Articles

The idea of a new space race is unlikely to become a reality. Why in the globalization era should nations cooperate to get to Mars? Perhaps the most pragmatic reason is because none of them will be able to afford it alone.

The ‘Innocence of Muslims’ Video: Why All the Fuss?

Stephen McGlinchey • Sep 15 2012 • Articles

As violence escalates across the Arab world, many questions remain unanswered. But, the events in Libya, Egypt and elsewhere have absolutely nothing to do with this video.

Is Quebec’s Call for Sovereignty Still a Vibrant Force Today?

Howard Cody • Sep 15 2012 • Articles

There is little likelihood of Quebec sovereignty in the near future. Current polls put support for sovereignty near 30%, and opposition to a third referendum close to 70%. Regardless, Quebec’s assertive nationalism will remain a vibrant force indefinitely.

Showdown in Zimbabwe? ‘IR’ and the Crisis of the Global Political Agreement

David Moore • Sep 14 2012 • Articles

After this most recent of Zimbabwe’s showdowns, its people and their allies can either take the bull by the horns or resign themselves to another spell of ‘inclusive government’ purgatory.

Still Exchanging? The History, Relevance, and Effect of International Exchange Programs

Giles Scott-Smith • Sep 14 2012 • Articles

In an era of increasing international tensions over issues such as territory, natural resources and wealth distribution, exchange programs enhance cross-border understanding.

Reflecting on 9/11

Robert W. Murray • Sep 12 2012 • Articles

On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we must remember those innocent victims who lost their lives on that day and reflect on the much larger numbers of civilians and soldiers that have perished in the reactions to it.

Growing up a Proud Racist in Burma

Maung Zarni • Sep 12 2012 • Articles

As a former racist who grew up thinking that those deemed to pose a threat to Burma’s sovereignty and Buddhist identity should be ‘gassed’, I feel a deep chill thinking about what Burmese society is evolving into.

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