
Rethinking Development

Tayyab Mahmud • Sep 3 2012 • Articles

We require a decolonization of the imagination. We need to abandon the search for alternative models of development and start imagining alternatives to development. The project today is not so much to rethink development, but to un-think it.

Two Cheers for Public Diplomacy and Place Branding

Peter van Ham • Sep 2 2012 • Articles

Public diplomacy and place branding are putting traditional diplomacy to the test. But these newer forms of diplomacy should not be considered harbingers of a mediatized global democracy.

Revisiting the UN-Controlled Constitution-Making Process for Somalia

Afyare Abdi Elmi • Sep 2 2012 • Articles

When it comes to constitution-making, the process is vitally important. Somalia’s constitution-making process is deeply flawed. Political expedience, secrecy, exclusion and hastiness overshadow the entire outcome.

Syria: We Can’t Give Up On Diplomacy

Natalie Samarasinghe • Aug 31 2012 • Articles

As Lakhdar Brahimi takes over as UN-Arab League envoy to Syria, there is real merit in pursuing a comprehensive Security Council resolution and a post-conflict framework.

Baghdad’s Security Cooperation Dilemma: Military Assistance to Iraq in 2012 and Beyond

Oleg Svet • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Washington’s best long-term strategy in Iraq is to seek economic, political, and security cooperation while recognizing the difficulties in Baghdad, as Iraqi policymakers attempt to rebuild a country caught up in a larger geopolitical tug-of-war.

UNASUR and the Eurozone Crisis

Paul Kellogg • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Regionalism in Europe is driven by economic efficiency and capital accumulation. In contrast, issues in the Americas, south of the Rio Grande, remain the old problems of dependency, barriers to development, and effective sovereignty.

Will the U.S. be Overtaken by China In Space?

Bertrand de Montluc • Aug 30 2012 • Articles

Will Chinese taikonauts land on the moon in 2020? Given such broad Chinese efforts in developing space technology, China could surpass the US in the coming decade.

Political Feasibility

Alan Hamlin • Aug 29 2012 • Articles

The notion of political feasibility is a complex one and has a sharp contrast with the fundamental idea of ideal theory – which tends to sideline all issues of feasibility in order to focus on the question of desirability.

Punk Politics in Putin’s Russia

Eugene Huskey • Aug 29 2012 • Articles

The Pussy Riot case may serve as an example of Putin’s campaign to intimidate political opposition. It may also highlight a leader encircled by urban, secular, and liberal Russians, a conservative hinterland, the Russian Orthodox Church, and an unreconstructed security apparatus.

What the Case of Pussy Riot Tells Us About Putin’s Russia

Mark Yoffe • Aug 29 2012 • Articles

Liberal Orthodoxy freed of Patriarchy’s control could appeal to many free-spirited believers, and can become a powerful tool in the hands of the new generation of equality-seekers in Russia.

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