
The Limits of International Relations Theory: A Postcolonial Critique

Sanjay Seth • Aug 24 2012 • Articles

IR, as the discipline which makes the international its object of enquiry is, for the most part, an obstacle to a recognition and exploration of this, rather than a guide to it.

Is IR a Force for Good in the World Today?

A.C. McKeil • Aug 24 2012 • Articles

The average person knows little or nothing about IR’s issues. This lack of relevance suggests that the discipline should be more self-critical. The next stage in IR’s development should not be theoretical – but attitudinal.

The ‘Turkish Model’ for the Middle East: Reproducing Neoliberal Hegemony?

John McSweeney • Aug 23 2012 • Articles

The lessons of the AKP’s development serve as an appealing model for the West interested in reproducing neoliberalism, as well as for Islamic actors who wish to consolidate by mobilizing a societal alliance against the forces of the old regime.

Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Why the Revolution Continues

Ami J. Abou-bakr • Aug 23 2012 • Articles

The Muslim Brotherhood’s ability to maintain power will depend upon their ability to prove themselves to voters and make significant strides that reflect not only the aims of the party, but also the demands of the revolution and the will of the people.

Five Reasons There Will Be No African Spring

Ioannis Mantzikos • Aug 23 2012 • Articles

There is little reason to expect that African societies will mobilize to overthrow their corrupt governments anytime soon. At least five reasons conspire against any popular African revolutions.

Prestige and Naval Power: A Look at India and China

Robert Potter • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

In modern times the transforming of a country into a great power has traditionally coincided with the development of a powerful navy. Both India and China are progressing towards this end.

Feminism’s Influence on Iceland’s Foreign Policy

Silja Bara Omarsdottir • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

Sustained pressure on government and an increasing number of women in the Foreign Service provides support to the claim that feminism has influenced Icelandic foreign policy.

Nationalism, Racism and the Olympic Industry

Helen Jefferson Lenskyj • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

Racism works hand-in-hand with international rivalries and tensions to generate media firestorms. In this respect, the Olympic industry’s reliance on rhetoric of international peace and friendship has long lacked any credibility.

Failed Policy: The IMF in Crisis

Timothy Sharpe • Aug 21 2012 • Articles

The failure to distinguish between sovereign and non-sovereign economies has corrupted IMF policy advice. Reform remains problematic due to the dominance of neo-liberal ideals in the Fund.

Russia’s Accession to the WTO: Exchanging Economic Freedom for Voice

Geraldo Vidigal-Neto • Aug 20 2012 • Articles

Russia’s decision to join the WTO is motivated by political interest as much as by economic calculation. The WTO’s record with inducing rule compliance, even by powerful members, presents optimism that Russia will play by the rules.

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