
A Weak State with a ‘Strong State’ Tradition: The Case of Turkey

Begum Burak • Aug 8 2012 • Articles

Turkey is more democratic and more liberal than in past decades. But a state stuck between the mosque and the barrack cannot be called a strong state.

Jus En Bello Isn’t Enough: Human Terrain, COIN and a Reasonable Chance for Success

Brent J. Steele • Aug 6 2012 • Articles

With words like ‘morality’ and ‘warfare’ peppering the Human Terrain debate, it is surprising that the program hasn’t been widely discussed with reference to the Just War tradition.

Assessing Rio Plus 20

Peter M. Haas • Aug 6 2012 • Articles

It is too early to tell whether the Rio Plus 20 conference has been a success or failure. Assessing its impact rests on the question of whether or not political actors are able to build from the conference.

Can Europe Survive the Euro?

Vivien A Schmidt • Aug 6 2012 • Articles

How can one change the policies of the European Union without politicization? What the EU needs is ‘policy with politics’ where the Eurozone crisis should be solved through growth, not endless austerity and decline.

An Attack on Iran: Four ‘No Ways’ and One ‘Maybe’

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Aug 4 2012 • Articles

The US is broke, the military is focused on new horizons, and international condemnation on an Israeli preventive action will be overwhelming for the US. Hence, short of an Iranian act of aggression, war is unlikely.

Fighting Intervention or Fighting Imperialism?

Tanzil Chowdhury • Aug 4 2012 • Articles

Many progressives have unwittingly accepted the Arab Spring narrative in Syria. More scepticism is required because without this ‘intervention’ cannot ever be justified.

Is Obama’s Foreign Policy Different From George W. Bush’s?

Peter Feaver and Ionut Popescu • Aug 3 2012 • Articles

Obama’s successes have come when he has followed the policies of the Bush administration. His failures have come when he has attempted to implement his own initiatives.

When Tiers Clash: Devolution vs. Democracy in Pakistan

Fred Carver • Aug 2 2012 • Articles

Pakistani political parties may be right that at the local level they will be outcompeted by local elites, but they are mistaken to think that means they must ignore local politics.

Building Theory Through History

Robert W. Murray • Aug 1 2012 • Articles

The biggest shortcoming of IR students is their lack of historical background. If this problem was corrected, it would greatly help their efforts at understanding the world around them.

International Climate Change Politics: Challenges and Opportunities

Katharina Rietig • Aug 1 2012 • Articles

The path to a more effective international climate politics is paved by transition to low carbon economies that reflect the true costs of greenhouse emissions.

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