
Populist Hatred: Homophobia and Political Elites in Africa

Rebecca Hodes • Jul 25 2012 • Articles

Despite South Africa’s constitutional protections, gays in South Africa continue to be persecuted and society remains, in general, deeply intolerant of gay sexuality.

Zimbabwe: The Sanctions of No Sanctions

Stephen Chan • Jul 25 2012 • Articles

The announcement of a suspension of sanctions pending a credibly free and fair referendum was a very low bar to cross. The real action lies in what is already going on behind the scenes. As with all major diplomatic breakthroughs, a heavy element of cynicism is the accompaniment.

U.S. Sanctions and the Nuclear Endgame in Iran

Kelsey Davenport • Jul 24 2012 • Articles

The new sanctions on Iran are having a greater impact than prior efforts. To halt Iran’s enrichment, the U.S. and the P5+1 must now offer sanctions relief in return for nuclear concessions.

‘Democracy is in Peril’: Agonistic Pluralism after the Greek Election

Harry Weeks • Jul 23 2012 • Articles

What should be taken from the Greek election is that the political institutions of the country offered, and the electorate seriously considered, an alternative.

Extremist Islam and Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan and Iraq

Jeffrey Haynes • Jul 23 2012 • Articles

Recent conflicts have highlighted how religion and identity are central to security issues. The question remains as to what extent individual conflict zones are facets of a wider, transnational war which pits the ‘West’ against al Qaeda?

Reframing Interests and Policies in the Middle East: Lessons from the Arab Spring

Benedetta Berti and Yoel Guzansky • Jul 22 2012 • Articles

Turning a blind eye to human rights violations and despotism is not just morally questionable, its not in the national interest.

Scottish Independence and Relations with the EU

Christian Schweiger • Jul 21 2012 • Articles

English Eurosceptics who consider Scottish independence as an opportunity to push their country quicker towards EU exit should think again. Scotland might have the last laugh after all.

Compatibility or Incommensurability: IR Theory and Complex Systems Analysis

Robert W. Glover • Jul 21 2012 • Articles

Taking the insights of complexity theory and complex systems analysis seriously in IR will require a substantial “re-boot” of much of the discipline’s theoretical apparatus. This may form the next great debate in the discipline.

Why Isn’t the U.S. Selling Iran iPhones?

Zachary Keck • Jul 21 2012 • Articles

American sanctions against exporting smartphones and computers to Iran are not only violating civil liberties but also common sense.

Contesting Sovereignty Over Pacific Islands During WWII

Matthew A. Hill • Jul 20 2012 • Articles

During World War II, the Pacific Islands were an area of great power rivalry between the otherwise allied Britain and the United States The catalyst for this rivalry was the expansion of civil and military aviation.

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