
Uzbekistan Exit from CSTO Reveals Limits of Russia’s Eurasian Integration Plans

Nathan Hamm • Jul 17 2012 • Articles

The reality of Uzbekistan leaving the Collective Security Treaty Organization is that any influence that Moscow is perceived to have lost is influence it did not actually have. And, any additional US gains are minuscule at best.

The Paradox of Path Dependence: The Problem of Teleology in International Theory

Dillon Tatum • Jul 16 2012 • Articles

While path dependence tells us why institutions remain stable, the complexity of social life makes it difficult to predict random developments.

The Falkland Islands: Creative Claims and the 2013 Referendum

Alasdair Pinkerton • Jul 16 2012 • Articles

The Falkland Islands Government have demonstrated their willingness to creatively deploy democratic levers in responding to the escalating rhetoric in the South Atlantic.

CSTO Minus One: Collective Security in Central Asia After Uzbekistan’s CSTO Withdrawal

Farkhod Tolipov • Jul 16 2012 • Articles

Uzbekistan’s decision to suspend its CSTO membership reflects the changing geostrategic landscape of Central Asia. It should also lead the region to reflect on its current collective security arrangements.

Advancing an International Space Code of Conduct

Jana Robinson • Jul 13 2012 • Articles

There is no side-stepping the need to hold both state and non-state actors accountable for their behaviour in space. Transparency and confidence building measures are the key practical tools for a successful framework.

Would Scottish Independence Matter to Basques?

Atsuko Ichijo • Jul 12 2012 • Articles

There has not been much consideration of how Scotland potentially seceding from the UK might impact the Basque movement in Spain. Despite the many similarities between the two cases, it is unlikely to have much impact.

Iran’s Response to Sanctions

Zachary Keck • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

Iran’s response to U.S. and EU sanctions demonstrates its increasing desperation, but the West lacks a plan for translating its current advantage into Iranian concessions on its nuclear program.

Of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Union

David B Roberts • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

Few, if any, Gulf nations welcomed the Arab Spring. Only when Arab dependency upon U.S. guarantees changes will the Gulf states move towards meaningful cooperation.

Factors Fuelling China’s Expanding Maritime Operations

Chietigj Bajpaee • Jul 10 2012 • Articles

China’s traditional inward-looking nature is gradually giving way to a more expansive maritime presence, as demonstrated in both Beijing’s rhetoric and actions. Despite myriad regional maritime disputes, naval cooperation in the Asia-Pacific remains both possible and desirable.

Football & Racism: Euro 2012 in Perspective

Christos Kassimeris • Jul 6 2012 • Articles

The archetype of racism in football is almost identical to the kind of discrimination witnessed in other parts of society. Racism in football is a socially transmitted disease that society must remedy.

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