
Will the Real Tomislav Nikolić Please Stand Up? Serbia’s New Chameleonic President

Janine Clark • Jul 2 2012 • Articles

As Serbia’s President, will Tomislav Nikolić continue to oscillate between his nationalist and pro-Europe identities or will he ultimately jettison one in favour of the other? At this stage we can only speculate and ask that the real Tomislav Nikolić to please stand up.

Civil Society and the Zimbabwean Crisis

Kirk Helliker • Jul 2 2012 • Articles

Underlying the debates about civil society, democratic change and agrarian transformation in Zimbabwe has been a deathly silence on whether civil society in fact exists in post-2000 Zimbabwe.

The Green Economy Challenge After Rio+20

Edward B. Barbier • Jun 29 2012 • Articles

The green economy is not just a current “buzz concept”. It represents a profound change in perceptions. Sadly, the opportunity to lock in a paradigm shift in international policy was lost at Rio+20.

The Impact of Tomislav Nikolić’s Election on Serbia’s Foreign Policy and EU Ascension Hopes

Irena Ristic • Jun 29 2012 • Articles

The possibility that Serbia under Nikolić will change Serbia’s foreign policy and stop Serbia’s EU integration is possible in theory. Yet, the interest in continuing with integration remains as weighty an influence as it was for past governments.

Burma’s Rakhine Conflict

David Gilbert • Jun 27 2012 • Articles

While it is likely the more shocking acts of violence will gradually cease in the coming weeks, the conflict will leave a deep legacy on this region of Burma and can easily restart at anytime.

Flying Blind: Why Armed Drones May Detract from Turkish Security

Aaron Stein • Jun 27 2012 • Articles

Turkey is actively seeking to procure armed unmanned drone aircraft to combat its Kurdish insurgency. This strategy carries profound risks.

South Sudan: Seeking a Formula for Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Development

John Mukum Mbaku • Jun 27 2012 • Articles

How well South Sudan is able to realize its full economic potential will be determined by what the government does during the next few years in respect to institutional reforms and state reconstruction. Hence, the “right” institutional environment is vital for the country.

Traitors, Sellouts and Political Loyalty in the New State of South Sudan

Nicki Kindersley • Jun 27 2012 • Articles

A trend towards enforced public political loyalty has been enhanced by independence and the renewed wars and conflicts South Sudan faces.

Nothing to See Here: The 2012 EU-Russia Summit

Maxine David • Jun 26 2012 • Articles

Russia is intent on proving itself relevant on the global stage. In an age when attention is shifting to the East and the South, Russia is positioning itself as a central, non-Western, power.

Geopolitical Challenges to Implementing the Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities

Michael J. Listner • Jun 26 2012 • Articles

After a failed effort by the EU in 2011, the international community will once again take up the issue of a Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities at the UN in October. Diverging national interests threaten to derail the talks.

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