
Showdown in Zimbabwe? ‘IR’ and the Crisis of the Global Political Agreement

David Moore • Sep 14 2012 • Articles

After this most recent of Zimbabwe’s showdowns, its people and their allies can either take the bull by the horns or resign themselves to another spell of ‘inclusive government’ purgatory.

Still Exchanging? The History, Relevance, and Effect of International Exchange Programs

Giles Scott-Smith • Sep 14 2012 • Articles

In an era of increasing international tensions over issues such as territory, natural resources and wealth distribution, exchange programs enhance cross-border understanding.

Reflecting on 9/11

Robert W. Murray • Sep 12 2012 • Articles

On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we must remember those innocent victims who lost their lives on that day and reflect on the much larger numbers of civilians and soldiers that have perished in the reactions to it.

Growing up a Proud Racist in Burma

Maung Zarni • Sep 12 2012 • Articles

As a former racist who grew up thinking that those deemed to pose a threat to Burma’s sovereignty and Buddhist identity should be ‘gassed’, I feel a deep chill thinking about what Burmese society is evolving into.

Humanitarian Intervention and Geo-Politics: A Complicated Confluence

Amos N Guiora • Sep 11 2012 • Articles

The complicated confluence of humanitarian intervention and geo-political considerations require the Obama Administration to articulate and implement consistent, well thought through principles and values in Syria.

Nationalism, the Parti Quebecois, and the 2012 Quebec General Election

Glen Duerr • Sep 10 2012 • Articles

The election of Pauline Marois should be seen as another nationalist challenge to Canada’s national unity. Yet, with only 32 percent of the popular vote, her powers to hold a referendum are constrained.

Eastern Promises: Russia and the 2012 APEC Summit

Paul B. Richardson • Sep 8 2012 • Articles

The 2012 APEC summit at Vladivostok has become the stage on which Russia is announcing its presence in the Asia-Pacific as a modern, dynamic country, which should be welcomed into the region.

The Importance of the Straits of Malacca

Robert Potter • Sep 7 2012 • Articles

The vast majority of China’s oil imports pass through the Straits of Malacca. This creates a security issue for China as the Straits function as a strategic chokepoint through which their energy supply must pass.

Foreign Policy and the 2012 Presidential Election: Divergent Visions for the Future

Michael F. Cairo • Sep 6 2012 • Articles

Foreign policy matters in this presidential election. President Obama has offered an approach to American foreign policy that rejects the policy of the George W. Bush administration, while Governor Romney is likely to offer an updated version of it.

Nothing is Something Dangerous

Tanzil Chowdhury • Sep 6 2012 • Articles

Politics (when politicians can be bothered) is all about doing. As conscious citizens, we must begin to deconstruct the status quo that doing nothing is an inconsequential act.

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