
François Hollande and French Foreign Policy: Between Virtù and Fortuna

John Gaffney • May 23 2012 • Articles

For the moment, François Hollande is one of the luckiest politicians in the history of the Fifth Republic. It remains to be seen whether he may turn out to be one the most skillful.

Reform of The Turkish Constitution: A Step Forward or Backward?

James W. Warhola • May 23 2012 • Articles

The present process has been admirably participatory to date, and demonstrates a political maturity that may well serve as the foundation for an appropriate constitution, even though its details are as yet undetermined.

Making Sausage

Rodger A Payne • May 23 2012 • Articles

IR scholars rarely have access to real-time “insider” data on climate summits, though it is telling that virtually all of the world leaders make claims that we would have expected.

Sam Harris’ Liberal Masquerade

Alasdair McKay • May 22 2012 • Articles

Harris’ politics represent radical authoritarianism and nativism masquerading as progressive liberalism, glossed by a veneer of academic respectability.

Realist-Liberal Divide? Power & Progress in a World in Transition

Jack Snyder • May 21 2012 • Articles

Scholars and public commentators need to integrate the insights of the realist logic of struggle for domination and security, with the liberal logic of political development and change.

UNSC and ICC Patern(al)ship in the Praxis of the R2P: Insights from Darfur and Libya

Jide Martyns Okeke • May 17 2012 • Articles

Questions must be raised about ostensible judicial activism and impropriety; the putative independence of the ICC in relation to the UNSC and, the direct involvement of the ICC in active conflicts especially in African states.

Obama is Overpromising the Wrong Things

Harvey M. Sapolsky • May 16 2012 • Articles

Fixing America’s debt problem, repairing its infrastructure, and re-training the workforce for a modern economy would prove popular. If only someone would make those promises.

Reflections on the New Republic of South Sudan

John Ashworth • May 15 2012 • Articles

While South Sudan is clearly facing great problems and even grave danger at the moment, there is still room for optimism. The people are resilient and determined, they are proud of their new nation, and they have a remarkable capacity for hope.

Russia’s Foreign Policy in Kosovo

Abit Hoxha • May 12 2012 • Articles

Russia’s Balkans strategy is one of deterrence. It will maintain a high-profile denial of Kosovo’s independence and attempt to block the new nation from the international stage.

Responsibility for Anders Breivik

Peter Vale • May 11 2012 • Articles

The Norwegians may be living through a painful ordeal, or switching off, as they choose. Yet, the truth is that we are all responsible for Breivik and this terrible crime against humanity.

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