
Beyond the Scarborough Scare: Joint Resource Management in the South China Sea

David Rosenberg • May 1 2012 • Articles

Tensions in the South China Sea have been rising in recent years. Without a joint resource management regime for the Scarborough Shoal, there will be an increased risk of another confrontation leading to armed conflict.

Leaving Without Losing: The War on Terror After Iraq and Afghanistan

Mark N. Katz • Apr 30 2012 • Articles

Just as intervening in Afghanistan and Iraq did not lead the United States to victory, neither will withdrawing from these countries. Although the U.S. is likely to endure negative consequences from its disengagement, withdrawal need not mean defeat.

India’s Approach to Sanctions on Iran

Sujata Ashwarya Cheema • Apr 29 2012 • Articles

Although India has publically chastised Western sanctions against Iran’s oil exports, it is quietly beginning to comply with them. This apparent contradiction stems from Indian policymakers desire to balance its diverging interest in the U.S. and Iran.

Security Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Arctic Environment

Heather Conley • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

As the polar ice cap melts, the US and the international community are underprepared to address the growing economic dynamics of the Arctic.

Prospects for Peace in Syria

Hisham H. Ahmed • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

The question is not whether the regime will crumble, but rather when, and under what circumstances. The answers will have a profound impact on the future of Syria and the Arab world.

The China-Philippines Face Off at Scarborough Shoal: Back to Square One?

Carlyle Thayer • Apr 26 2012 • Articles

The current standoff in the South China Sea between the Philippines and China threatens to raise tensions to new heights.

Turkey Today: A “Leviathan” or a “Law-seeker”?

Begum Burak • Apr 25 2012 • Articles

The profound social and political changes Turkey has undergone have made it a law seeking nation. Ankara is now on the path to becoming a full fledged democracy under the rule of law.

The Convergence of Cyberspace and Sustainability

Nazli Choucri • Apr 20 2012 • Articles

There is an emerging synergy between cyberspace and sustainability as they converge on the global policy agenda.

My Limitations as a White British Man…

Matthew A. Hill • Apr 16 2012 • Articles

I have faced a number of difficulties, as all researchers do, when designing, developing and implementing a project. How do I obtain my data, for example, or will I have significant findings?

Historical Institutionalism and International Relations

Daniel Nexon • Apr 16 2012 • Articles

Anyone seeking to forward an historical-institutionalist agenda faces a basic problem: the approach doesn’t have what many would consider a coherent core.

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