
Postcard From the IR Zone

Peter Vale • Apr 5 2012 • Articles

Will the IR-Zone always be, as Stanley Hoffman noted, an American discipline? Something other than an obsession with exercising America’s place and power in the world?

Northern Mali: The Things We Assume

Baz Lecocq • Apr 5 2012 • Articles

Events are developing quickly in Mali. The official press releases from both sides are untrustworthy, and mainly framed to justify actions or to generate a particular effect from outside.

Romney’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Aaron Walter • Apr 3 2012 • Articles

On topics ranging from Iran’s nuclear program to American involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a Romney administration would bring no significant change.

The Logic of an Iranian Bomb

Stephen McGlinchey • Apr 2 2012 • Articles

The Islamic Regime in Iran is one of the most belligerent and distasteful regimes in existence, for all manner of reasons. That is no reason to attack it preventively.

Towards a More Secure Europe: A New Focus on Defence

Rethinking CSDP in times of austerity will require revisiting ideas that previously may have seemed politically unacceptable.

Sudan and South Sudan Still Suffering the Consequences of Divorce

Peter Run • Apr 2 2012 • Articles

Less than a year following the break up of Sudan into two sovereign republics, it is ticking all the boxes of a bitter and nasty dissolution of marriage.

Latin America’s International Projection: Trends and Trajectories for 2012

Gian Luca Gardini • Mar 29 2012 • Articles

Three trends are likely to characterise the global projection of Latin America in 2012: the rise of Brazil; the mushrooming of projects supposedly aimed at promoting Latin American unity; and summitry with the US, the EU, and China.

Why BRICS Matters

Oliver Stuenkel • Mar 28 2012 • Articles

Western commentators often dismiss BRICS as an acronym in search of an identity. Yet, as BRICS becomes increasingly institutionalized it is changing global discourse.

Norms, Epistemic Communities and the Global Cyber Security Assemblage

Tim Stevens • Mar 27 2012 • Articles

As norms begin to develop in the cybersecurity field, a multitude of actors are competing to shape them according to their own interests and values. How this power struggle plays out is of great importance to the future of global cyberspace.

Turkey’s Dilemma: How to Act on Syria without Losing Soft Power

Benedetta Berti and Gonca Noyan • Mar 24 2012 • Articles

Turkey should push for humanitarian assistance and sanctions, whilst putting serious diplomatic pressure on the Assad regime.

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