
Is the War on Terror Over?

Mark Juergensmeyer • Mar 7 2012 • Articles

Young Muslim activists have received a new standard for challenging the old order, and a new form of protest, one that discredits terrorism as the easy and ineffective path.

India’s Iran-Israel Balancing Act

Sujata Ashwarya Cheema • Mar 7 2012 • Articles

Amidst growing Israeli-Iranian animosity, India’s traditional policy of compartmentalizing relations with each nation is becoming untenable.

Women’s Rights as Human Rights: Problems and Paradoxes

Hannah Butt • Mar 6 2012 • Articles

We have no option other than to work within the prevailing discourse of human rights, but should be aware of the limits of this course of action.

Bryan Adams and Bears: Who cares about Canadian foreign policy?

Matthew A. Hill • Mar 5 2012 • Articles

Being a US foreign policy specialist I have always dismissed Canadian foreign policy as non-existent. Perhaps I was wrong!

Coming up for Air: Making Sense of the Australian ‘Future Submarines’ Debate

Alan Bloomfield • Mar 5 2012 • Articles

The Australian government will decide on a new submarine programme before mid-2012, its largest ever defence procurement. The debate is part of the discourse about China’s rise. For the first time, Australia’s major trading partner is not a member of the Western alliance.

Rebalancing Priorities: America, Europe, and Defence Austerity

Carl Cavanagh Hodge • Mar 5 2012 • Articles

Faced with fiscal pressures at home and rising powers elsewhere, the US is reducing its troop presence in Europe. The interests of European security can be best served by Britain and France developing a stronger joint expeditionary capacity.

Honouring Mandela’s Legacy

Peter Vale • Mar 4 2012 • Articles

South Africa’s achievements rest on interdependence and an unwavering belief in constitutionalism. This is Nelson Mandela’s lasting legacy.

The Significance of Kosovo*

James Ker-Lindsay • Mar 3 2012 • Articles

Four years after Kosovo declared independence from Serbia, a more comprehensive settlement that ties up all the loose ends between Belgrade and Pristina is needed.

No Brakes

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Mar 3 2012 • Articles

As with America’s war in Afghanistan, there now can be wars without end thanks to a professional military, new technology, and a changing politics of party competition.

Syrians Are Paying the Price of NATO Excesses in Libya

Ramesh Thakur • Mar 2 2012 • Articles

The China–Russia veto does not prove the irrelevance of the UN Security Council. Rather, it proves that the politics of the Security Council must be got right before an R2P military intervention; and the political equilibrium should be maintained during the operation.

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