
Working Toward Female Representation in the UK Parliament

Lynne Featherstone • Mar 1 2012 • Articles

Women have changed the face of the UK parliament in recent years and shown they are a real force to be reckoned with. However, despite progress, it is still nowhere near reflecting the percentage of women in the country.

HTS Redux: A “Halfie” Calls for an Anthropology of the Military

David Bayendor • Mar 1 2012 • Articles

If we insist on using our military as a tool of diplomacy then it is essential that cultural training be a core part of the military skill set.

The Karadzic Case: Fair Trial or Show Trial?

Peter Robinson • Mar 1 2012 • Articles

Radovan Karadzic, the former President of the Bosnian Serb Republic, finds himself on trial at an international tribunal established to prosecute him. His legal defense, Peter Robinson, asks whether it is a fair trial or show trial.

Peace in the 21st Century

John Gittings • Feb 29 2012 • Articles

The expectation, or at least hope, that peace could be maintained through the collective efforts of an international body has waned to almost zero.

Grinding Terrorist Networks Down in 2012

Raffaello Pantucci • Feb 26 2012 • Articles

The nature of the terror threat is shifting and the question that has not been properly answered is whether we are seeing a threat that is finally in decline or continues to ascend.

The Role of the Business Community in Reconciliation and Peace-building

Salma Yusuf • Feb 24 2012 • Articles

Though social justice and the advancement of peace has not yet evolved to occupying centre-stage in the corporate agenda, a significant development is that businesses are no longer averse to the idea.

Dawn Of A New Era for the Forgotten Issue of Statelessness

Laura van Waas • Feb 23 2012 • Articles

2011 marked the culmination of a range of developments at national, regional and global levels which indicate that there is not just every reason for states to want to do more to address statelessness, but also that something can be done about it.

International Efforts to Counter Al-Shabaab

David H. Shinn • Feb 20 2012 • Articles

While foreign forces in Somalia that oppose al-Shabaab can help degrade its capacity, they cannot defeat al-Shabaab any more than al-Shabaab and its foreign jihadis can defeat the forces aligned against them.

To Santorum et al: What would Reagan do?

Rodger A Payne • Feb 20 2012 • Articles

A group of self-proclaimed climate conservatives operates a website positing what Reagan would do about climate change, making for interesting reading.

Al Qaeda in 2012

Lee Jarvis • Feb 18 2012 • Articles

Al Qaeda no longer poses a serious international threat, due to key developments in the strategic, political and public realms after 9/11 which have severely limited its capacity to conduct international terrorism.

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