
The Shift to the Pacific

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Feb 17 2012 • Articles

America will find more ways to project more power from a distance and less reasons to be constantly on scene. It is a slow walk home, not a major change.

The Challenge of Al-Shabaab

Macharia Munene • Feb 17 2012 • Articles

Al-Shabaab is now seen by many as a clear and present danger. It is a growing, not a declining, threat across the globe.

Will Senegal’s 2012 Presidential Election End in Violence?

Martha C. Johnson • Feb 15 2012 • Articles

Those who study Senegal have long thought it could never be the site of significant political violence. Over the past twelve years, however, Senegalese politics has changed.

Romanian Democracy: Running Out of Ideas

Radu Cinpoeş • Feb 15 2012 • Articles

There is a growing chasm between the politicians and the electorate in Romania that could easily push people into searching for providential leaders who offer miraculous solutions.

Triage Governance in Romania: Contemplating Boc’s Resignation

Paul E. Sum • Feb 11 2012 • Articles

Given the Euro crisis and Romania’s political environment, how was Boc’s government able to survive as long as it did?

Yemen: The Political Struggle Continues

Charles Schmitz • Feb 9 2012 • Articles

Many Yemenis were disappointed with the compromise brokered that led to Saleh’s departure, preferring to continue the struggle for real change.

Dealing with Inter-Communal Violence in South Sudan

Conflict is not inevitable in South Sudan. All of the issues present in Jonglei can be addressed through enlightened government policies. While still young, the RSS may draw from lessons learned throughout the region.

Why Australia Fears China’s Rise: The Growing War Consensus

Daryl Morini • Feb 8 2012 • Articles

Inter-state war is threatening to make a dangerous come-back. But the good news is that great power war can be prevented.

A Marshall Plan to Combat Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific

Caitlin E. Werrell and Francesco Femia • Feb 7 2012 • Articles

The United States is officially reorienting its security and defense strategy to the Asia-Pacific region, but the United States needs a complementary investment agenda for building the region’s resilience to climate change.

India’s Time to Think Strategically: Is domestic politics holding India back?

Manjeet Singh Pardesi • Feb 7 2012 • Articles

Domestic political developments – which have important implications for the type of state and society that India wishes to create for itself – have led to a neglect of any major debate on foreign policy at a time when India is in the process of emerging as a major Asian power.

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