
Securing Abortion Access: What Can We Learn from Emergencies?

Claire Pierson • Jan 26 2023 • Articles

Framing abortion as an urgent and emergency part of healthcare, and as a security concern, can work to elevate abortion above conservative and populist anti-gender campaigns.

Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Affected communities are seldom consulted, let alone able to actively participate, in the design of due diligence programmes.

Opinion – One Year In, Germany’s Traffic Light Coalition Already Looks Overwhelmed

Marco Bitschnau • Jan 24 2023 • Articles

With the global economy possibly sliding into a recession, the traffic light coalition is heading for a challenging 2023.

Russia’s Challenge to Liberal Peacekeeping

Daria Blinova • Jan 23 2023 • Articles

Reliance on outdated approaches creates an inability to agree on a common vision of peacekeeping, which leads to the perpetuation of local conflicts.

Opinion – The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Russia’s Exit Cue from South Caucasus?

Vahagn Avedian • Jan 22 2023 • Articles

The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and its outcome might determine Russia’s future in the South Caucasus, but the role of the West in it is still an ambiguous one.

Opinion – NATO’s Expansion in Northern Europe Rests on Türkiye

Alexander Brotman • Jan 19 2023 • Articles

Erdogan craves relevance and abhors isolation on the global stage. This will be what continues to bind NATO and Türkiye together.

Reflections on Decoloniality, Time, History and Remembering

Ali Kassem • Jan 17 2023 • Articles

Racialised communities across metropoles such as Beirut, Singapore and Edinburgh have contested questions of the past, of history, and of memory.

Opinion – Biden and the Netanyahu Government: An Inevitable Clash?

Glen Segell • Jan 17 2023 • Articles

If the extremists take control of Netanyahu and not the other way around, it will lead to clashes with Biden that could harm American support of Israel.

Geopolitics for EU lawyers

Luigi Lonardo • Jan 10 2023 • Articles

To make sense of law as a social object, scholars of EU law and EU foreign policy should look wider and consider the perspectives of other disciplines.

Opinion – Rwandan Support for M23 Rebels Cannot Continue

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez • Jan 10 2023 • Articles

Kigali’s sponsoring of proxy warfare in Eastern DRC via the March 23 Movement demonstrates that President Kagame is a security liability.

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