
Ma Victory Signals (Cautious) Continuity in Taiwan

Hans Stockton • Jan 22 2012 • Articles

Taiwan’s incumbent Nationalist Party (KMT) president, Mr. Ma Ing-jeou, emerged from the January 14 polls victorious with 51.6% of the popular vote in a peaceful, competitive election. But what does it mean?

Climate Change, Environmental Security Studies and the Morality of Climate Security

Rita Floyd • Jan 20 2012 • Articles

In popular and political debate climate change is increasingly referred to as a security issue. But thus far climate change does not constitute an objective existential threat, and as such, a securitization of climate change – at least here in the West – is morally unjustifiable.

Men and Women’s Support For War: Accounting for the gender gap in public opinion

Ben Clements • Jan 19 2012 • Articles

Both at the outset and during the course of recent military operations, commercial polling companies and academic surveys have endeavoured to record public attitudes towards conflicts. The data reveals a significant ‘gender gap’ in public opinion.

U.S. Legislation Could Shut Down the Internet

Luke M. Herrington • Jan 19 2012 • Articles

Hopefully, Congress will come to its senses and PIPA and SOPA will be defeated. If not, President Obama should announce his intentions to veto both, and the White House should announce a plan to tackle the very real issues of online piracy and intellectual property theft.

Mugabe: How Much Longer?

Stephen Chan • Jan 19 2012 • Articles

Mugabe’s regime is hardly on its last legs and is not threatened beyond key points. He is strong enough to intimidate the most senior of his ambitious colleagues and there are many who trace the death in 2011 of Solomon Mujuru to his door.

Cultural symbols, biocolonialism and the commodification of rural and indigenous bodies

Hannah Butt • Jan 18 2012 • Articles

The world’s most powerful institutions and corporations are now interested in subaltern people, because they represent a commercial “opportunity”.

China’s Relations with Africa and the American Context

Ian Taylor • Jan 18 2012 • Articles

Africa is an emerging strategic partner of China. As a result, some over-excited analysts talk of a major competition between China and the United States in Africa.

Understanding the Human Terrain in Warfare: A Clash of Moralities

Dan G. Cox • Jan 18 2012 • Articles

Proof of concept programs are, by their very nature, cutting edge experiments funded to enhance the efficiency and morality of the warfare the U.S. Army is charged with conducting. It is unreasonable to assume that these programs will come out of the box perfect.

The Challenging Road to Reconciliation in Rwanda

Ervin Staub • Jan 17 2012 • Articles

In the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Hutus killed about 700 hundred thousand Tutsis. This piece will discuss institutions and processes of reconciliation since the genocide, discussing both their positive and problematic aspects.

Nationalism in the 21st Century

Claire Sutherland • Jan 17 2012 • Articles

Nationalist ideology continues to shape global politics today, but twenty-first century nationalists must reconsider the meaning of self-determination, independence, autonomy and sovereignty in an increasingly interconnected world.

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