
Gender Parity in the UK’s Legislative Bodies: A Desirable Goal?

Janice Atkinson • Jan 17 2012 • Articles

I have tried recruiting my female friends and family into politics. I tell them we are looking for people like them: mums; business women; community workers; teachers. They all look at me with horror.

A New Constitution for Turkey Without Democracy

Murat Akan • Jan 12 2012 • Articles

Turkey may be heading for yet another constitutional change, but not for a societally-based and well-deliberated democratic constitution writing. Meanwhile, deliberations continue under a façade of the moderate Islamists as the vanguards of anti-military democratic politics in Turkey.

The Resource Curse: Governing Extractive Industries in the Global South

Jewellord Nem Singh • Jan 9 2012 • Articles

The paradox of the resource curse was that countries with natural resources performed worse than those with scarce or no resources. The controversy surrounding the thesis is whether its key claims are accurate.

Is political Islam on the losing side of the Arab Spring in Egypt?

Afshin Shahi • Jan 9 2012 • Articles

Egyptian progress towards democracy is still in doubt amidst a backdrop of deep social and economic troubles. Providing effective democratic structures are created and upheld, it is likely the Muslim Brothers and other Islamic forces will gradually lose support.

Sri Lanka: A Nation Moves On

Salma Yusuf • Jan 3 2012 • Articles

As Sri Lanka emerges from the throes of a three-decade conflict, the opportunities and hope for a new tomorrow spring in the hearts and minds of all its peoples. The kaleidoscope of aspects to be addressed in order to bring the nation back on its feet is far from few.

North Korea in the Kim Jung-un Era, Where to Go?

Ryan Shin • Dec 30 2011 • Articles

The North Korean ‘Dear Leader’ Kim Jong-il unexpectedly passed away on 17th December. Now, Kim Jong-un comes under the political spotlight. The new North Korean leader is in his late 20s and has been so unknown to the outside world that a torrent of predictions on the future of North Korea is being suggested.

Islamic liberalism: Mission impossible?

Mustafa Akyol • Dec 29 2011 • Articles

The post Arab Spring era is one in which many western liberals fear the rise of Islamist parties in post-revolutionary Arab states. If we are lucky, more democracies can soon emerge in the Middle East, and Islamic liberalism, which is actually not that much of an oxymoron, will be reborn.


Harvey M. Sapolsky • Dec 26 2011 • Articles

The US presidential election is more than ten months off and it is going to be, to borrow a phrase from the unloved Donald Rumsfeld, a long, hard slog to get there. The Republican nominee is yet to emerge from the messy competition that began months ago and seems likely to stretch on for months more.

Tea with Madam Secretary, Part II

Matthew A. Hill • Dec 22 2011 • Articles

The following is one of the questions I asked Secretary Albright: Do you see the decision by the Security Council to vote in favour of a US-led military engagement as the beginning of a significant development in a movement towards protecting human security at the expense of national sovereignty?

Kim Jong-un: Too Young for Coronation?

Key-young Son • Dec 21 2011 • Articles

Any serious blunder of inexperience by the new leader in connection with redirecting the country’s economic and diplomatic affairs could lead to irreversible challenges by the competing elite groups in North Korea, divided largely into the military brass and the technocrats.

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