
The Key To Constitution Making In Turkey

Sinan Ulgen • Dec 21 2011 • Articles

The constitutional process is slowly but surely becoming a catch all answer to many of Turkey’s ills. The coming months will witness a crucially important debate about a renewed social contract. Turkey’s challenge will be to engineer the required popular consensus in an increasingly polarized political atmosphere.

Cameron’s diplomatic defeatism delivers a hammer blow to the UK’s influence

Emma Reynolds • Dec 21 2011 • Articles

David Cameron needs to put British national interest before his party’s interest. Angela Merkel has now left the door open for the British government to rebuild alliances and regain its position in Europe. It is in the British national interest that the government embraces that opportunity.

The Role of Religion in the Arab Spring

Mohammad Zaman • Dec 16 2011 • Articles

There needs to be a greater understanding of the role that religion plays in different societies and countries, and specifically how this shapes the politics of these countries. Unless the different theories of international relations can accommodate religion in their frameworks, we will be unable to fully comprehend important geopolitical events.

Brazil: Growing Pains of an Emerging Power

Joseph Marques • Dec 16 2011 • Articles

Much has been written about Brazil’s successful trajectory from emerging economy to emerging giant. Less attention has been given to the remaining challenges which need to be addressed.

Patterns, Challenges, and Strategic Choices in the Euro Crisis

Kenneth Dyson • Dec 14 2011 • Articles

The crisis in the Euro Area is enmeshed in an evolving global, and European, financial and economic crisis. Its dimensions are profound, historical, and structural. It raises the stakes in European integration to new heights.

Britain and the Eurozone: What Next?

John Redwood • Dec 14 2011 • Articles

There has been much sound and fury but little progress in Euroland in the days following David Cameron’s veto at the meeting of the EU heads of government in Brussels on 11 December. Far from them saving the Euro, they agreed to differ on some things, and agreed to delay on others.

The Merkel Gambit

Andrew J. Gawthorpe • Dec 12 2011 • Articles

Merkel’s actions over the EU fiscal pact have been likened to a game of chicken. They are more akin to tightrope walking while composing an opera. Lurking in the background is the threat that the markets will lose faith and tear the whole edifice down. Either way, this pact will not be the last word.

American Exceptionalism, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the 2012 Presidential Campaign

Jason A. Edwards • Dec 10 2011 • Articles

The debate over American exceptionalism has only just begun. It appears to be at its apex during times of anxiety and crisis within the American polity. Hence, the current state of affairs in America makes the 2012 election season such a juncture.

The European Union’s South Ossetia Dilemma

Stefan Wolff • Dec 10 2011 • Articles

Not supporting the people of South Ossetia in their determination to make their voices heard and their votes count undermines the credibility of EU efforts to promote and support democracy and sends a message that it may yet be possible to get away with stealing elections.

Tea with Madam Secretary, Part I

Matthew A. Hill • Dec 9 2011 • Articles

My most recent interview was with Madeleine Albright, the US foreign policy practitioner and policy-maker, the women’s rights implementer in foreign policy during her time as a US Ambassador to the UN and as Secretary of State, the daughter of a Czechoslovak dissident who was a recipient of US support during WWII and the Cold War, and finally as the academic examining foreign policy.

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