
Opinion – The War in Ukraine and Food Security in Africa

Matthew Rochat • Dec 14 2022 • Articles

Before becoming the ‘next breadbasket of the world’, African leaders are right to prioritize their food security needs at home.

Opinion – Energy Security: Moldova’s Quest for New Suppliers

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez • Dec 12 2022 • Articles

Moldova is steering towards a new energy security strategy, but its effectiveness will depend on the management of short and long-term political concerns.

Opinion – Coming in from the Soviet Cold: Feminist Politics in Kazakhstan

Martin Duffy • Dec 9 2022 • Articles

In Kazakhstan, there is now a well-organized feminist network. There are however limitations to the growth of feminist politics.

LGBTQ Politics in Kazakhstan: A Cross-Cutting Electoral Cleavage?

Martin Duffy • Dec 6 2022 • Articles

LGBTQ politics and activism, bolstered by international support, could prove a time-bomb that further threatens state stability.

Lula Is Back on the International Stage, or Is He?

Luis Schenoni and Thales Carvalho • Dec 5 2022 • Articles

Lula will bring back the traditions Brazil has cultivated since democratization, but its foreign policy will not be quite so ambitious as in the past.

Opinion – A Psychological Perspective on Putin’s War with Ukraine

Katie Titherington • Nov 28 2022 • Articles

In Putin’s case, his identity, personality, and desire to leave a legacy, coupled with other factors, make him more susceptible to using nuclear weapons.

Opinion – How Iranian Women Are Charting the Course for Freedom

Ahou Koutchesfahani • Nov 25 2022 • Articles

We are witnessing an ongoing feminist revolution, in which Mahsa Jina Amini’s tragic death will be forever remembered as its spark. For woman, for life, for freedom.

Finding Your Separated Cousin: Similarities and Global IR

Naosuke Mukoyama • Nov 22 2022 • Articles

Globalizing IR is an urgent task. Finding similarities between Europe and non-Europe (before the West) is as good a way of achieving this as demonstrating the historical diversity of international systems.

Lula’s Foreign Policy Path for Brazil and the Constraints on Grand Strategy Change

Jacob Shively • Nov 19 2022 • Articles

Lula channels many Brazilians’ desire for a more expansive role in the world while Bolsonaro, by contrast, tended to pull the country’s gaze inward.

The Danger of Passive Containment and Ignoring North Korea

Stephen Morgan • Nov 19 2022 • Articles

If stagnation in inter-Korean cooperation is to be bypassed, there needs to be a new approach that goes beyond leveraging economic support for denuclearisation.

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