
Britain in the World: Lessons from Afghanistan

Jim Murphy • Mar 11 2011 • Articles

In today’s world the prosperity, security, liberty and civil liberties of those at home cannot be separated from events beyond our borders. The era of a global recession and the global threat of terrorism prove that to any residual doubters. A belief that you have responsibility beyond your borders is not, as some would have it, ideological, but, a necessary response to the world in which we live.

The Rise of China

Patrick Corcoran • Mar 10 2011 • Articles

States still matter, power still triumphs, and competition still thrives. These will be the determining factors for the future of Sino-U.S. relations. Realists believe that if China can maintain its domestic economic growth and international financial strength, then a significant security competition with America is inevitable.

China’s Leisurely Aircraft-Carrier Ambitions

James Holmes • Mar 10 2011 • Articles

The enduring mismatch between the US and Chinese fleets is no guarantee of an equally lasting US naval supremacy in the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean. Beijing is pursuing imaginative antiship missile technology. If rocketeers stationed ashore can keep the US Navy out of important waters, the Chinese Navy can accomplish its goals, even with an inferior fleet.

The Wolf, the Bear, and the Eagle: Peace in the Valley?

James W. Warhola and Egemen B. Bezci • Mar 10 2011 • Articles

Turkish-Russian rapprochement should not be viewed by the West as a menace or even irritant, but rather the platform upon which regional knots of contention might find resolution. The regional political landscape of western Eurasia has shifted dramatically in the past decade; we in the West would do well to adjust our perceptions accordingly.

The European Union: A Union of Interfering Empires

Goran Ilik • Mar 8 2011 • Articles

The EU could impose its model of functioning on the rest of the world, especially through its former colonies, in a quiet, latent, and cooperative manner. That historical basis, actually encompasses the imperial, colonial past of the old European states, and undoubtedly legitimizes the EU’s process of influencing the world.

Reflections on recent elections in Africa

Ioannis Mantzikos • Mar 8 2011 • Articles

Winner-takes-all multiparty democracy is not appropriate for Africa’s nation-states. Much of Africa today is under the control of “Vampire states”. It has become a pattern: a sitting president reluctantly holds an election; deludes himself into thinking he will win; no one would dare tell him he might lose.

ROTC, Harvard, and Hypocrisy

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Mar 7 2011 • Articles

The news is that Harvard University is allowing the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) back on campus after more than four decades of banishment. The ROTC Program is one of the three main ways the US military acquires officers (the others being Officer Candidate Schools and the military academies, like West Point).

The Challenge of Sisyphus and post-referendum Southern Sudan

Alasdair McKay • Mar 3 2011 • Articles

There is an intense sense of Sisyphean angst concerning the challenges facing Southern Sudan. With a reasonably fertile land, a young population, and plentiful resources Southern Sudan has the raw materials to build a successful nation, but only if it receives the support it requires.

Food ‘Security’: the need for a new framework for analysis

Monika Barthwal-Datta • Feb 28 2011 • Articles

The last global food crisis of 2007-08 should have jolted policymakers across the globe into examining more closely the root causes and consequences of such crises at the local, regional and global levels. In 2011, global food prices have once again returned to make alarming headlines and analysts far and wide are arguing that we stand at the threshold of yet another global food crisis.

Sudan, Terrorism, and the Obama Administration

Eric Reeves • Feb 24 2011 • Articles

Terror in the west of Sudan is far from concluded. Following the celebration of an apparently successful referendum for South Sudan, we should not forget the deals the Obama administration was obliged to cut so that voting could take place as scheduled, and what further deals will be required going forward to ensure the secession vote is respected by the Khartoum regime.

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