
Post-Truth and Post- Democracy: The Dark Side of the Democratic Planet

Post-truth tends to be a dissimulation of lies and the relations between truth and post-truth are not ambiguous.

US Foreign Wars, Mass Marketing, and the Development of Post-Truth Politics

Ido Oren • Sep 29 2022 • Articles

Reality-shaping repetition of talking points, taglines and catchphrases can be traced back to the propaganda campaign of the Wilson administration in 1917.

Opinion – The Tenuous Links Between ‘Food’ and ‘Migration’ Crises

Dimitris Skleparis • Sep 29 2022 • Articles

It is naïve to believe that the first thing that crosses a hungry person’s mind is to leave their own country.

Τrolling IR About Trolling in International Affairs

Kyriakos Mikelis • Sep 27 2022 • Articles

Despite trolling instances of resistance to power structures, the state-centric embracement or hijacking of trolling can hardly be missed, along with the ‘disrupt the opponent/rival’ mode.

Platforms of Post-Truth: Outlines of a Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere

Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen • Sep 27 2022 • Articles

Regulation must guarantee the factual basis of debate and the broader horizon of shared experiences – without which facts and democracy lose their meaning.

Opinion – Speaking Truth to Power in Kashmir

Shubranshu Mishra • Sep 25 2022 • Articles

The act of public mourning carries with it the power to unsettle and offend mainstream narratives by bringing to the fore the truth about disappearances in Kashmir.

Opinion – The Centrality of Yemen’s Tribal Politics in Peace Efforts

Poornima B • Sep 25 2022 • Articles

Yemen’s priorities should be in building state-society relations in the aftermath of war as part of the post-war reconstruction framework, and in sustaining stable and just governance.

Truth and Politics in the Age of Post-Truth

Theresa Man Ling Lee • Sep 22 2022 • Articles

A world of post-truth politics can be an opportunity for a new kind of politics if it is indeed about dismantling the idea that truth is the ideal that politics should strive for.

International Relations and the Global System

Stephen McGlinchey • Sep 20 2022 • Articles

International Relations examines everything that concerns how we have organised our world. In addition, it reflects upon our fate by unpacking our shared challenges and opportunities and opening those up to competing viewpoints.

Opinion – The Trouble with Hungary

Alexander Brotman • Sep 20 2022 • Articles

Hungary clearly belongs in Europe, but it does not have to belong in the EU if its values do not align with those of its fellow member states.

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