
Opinion – The Future of the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Shivani Singh • Sep 18 2022 • Articles

It is high time that states took stock of the emerging threats and the unaddressed gaps that run the risk of further weakening the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

Is South Korea the New Quintessential Representation of Soft Power?

Daniele Carminati • Sep 18 2022 • Articles

South Korea’s extraordinary ascent is unlikely to be a temporary phenomenon, but the political direction of its soft power is yet to be determined.

Corroding Western Democracy: The Disparity Between Azerbaijan and Russia

Vahagn Avedian • Sep 15 2022 • Articles

A lack of critical reporting on Baku’s narrative has not only glossed over democratic shortcomings in Azerbaijan, but it has also helped undermine the rights of Armenians.

Opinion – International Relations at the End of the Second Elizabethan Age

Martin Duffy • Sep 12 2022 • Articles

Elizabeth II was one of international relations’ strongest soft powers – not just in longevity, but also in her subtle influence on the global system.

Brazil’s Ongoing Pursuit of Democracy Amidst Bicentennial Celebrations

Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama • Sep 11 2022 • Articles

As in other systems beset by authoritarian compromises, Brazil’s inner contradictions have paved the way for a retreat into nostalgia over the past decade.

Opinion – The Future of the USA-China Trade War

Hasnat Aslam • Sep 10 2022 • Articles

Future agreements between the USA and China should focus on strengthening the rule of law and the global trading system.

Opinion – UK-France Relations Under a Liz Truss Premiership

Alexander Brotman • Sep 6 2022 • Articles

The UK would be wise to keep France close and forge a renewed alliance for the raw purposes of political expediency and domestic legitimacy.

Ukraine and the Failure of the Responsibility to Protect Norm

Obasesam Okoi • Sep 5 2022 • Articles

The United Nations has lost its legitimacy to prevent wars of aggression that underlie the very foundation of its existence.

Opinion – Historical Amnesia, Digital Authoritarianism and the Presidency of Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Martin Duffy • Sep 5 2022 • Articles

The second Marcos administration looks likely to further undermine democratic values and institutions in the Philippines.

The Mindful Diplomat: How Can Mindfulness Improve Diplomacy?

Terhi Bunders • Sep 2 2022 • Articles

Practising mindfulness helps us to really be present in the country we reside in. Not the previous one, not the next one, but this one.

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